Primary 7 Learning Targets



Pupils will read two novels this term and apply the six reading comprehension strategies (prior knowledge, metalinguistics, visualisation, inference, main idea and summary). We are currently finishing The Chancery Lane Conspiracy by Joan Lingard, then moving on to Carrie’s War by Nina Bawden.


Narrative writing – focusing on describing a setting, characterisation and incorporating a range of figurative language (hyperbole, personification, metaphors, similes etc). We will also be looking at techniques used to build suspense in story writing.

Later in the term, we will be looking at explanation texts in the context of the Human Body topic.

Pupils will also continue to develop their tools writing and applying this consistently across all writing.

Listening and Talking

Pupils will be asked to prepare and deliver a speech on a Film Review. In December, the class will also begin to prepare and practise speeches in preparation for the Burns Breakfast.

Maths & Numeracy

Pupils will be developing a deeper understanding of place value in the context of decimals up to three decimal places. They will develop their understanding of the link between equivalent forms of fractions decimals and percentages, to solve problems, justifying choice of method used. We will also be looking at problem solving strategies to reinforce our learning in class.


Our topic this term is the Human Body. Pupils will investigate body systems and potential problems which can develop. Our focus will be on the circulatory, respiratory and digestive system. Within this topic there are a range of health and wellbeing experiences and outcomes also covered, including: how to keep our bodies healthy, food groups and investigating food labelling.

Health & Wellbeing

As well as covering a range of experiences and outcomes through our Human Body topic we will also look at Growth vs Fixed mindsets. Later in the term, we will move on to Substance Misuse.

In P.E, our focus has been on athletics leading up to the Sportshall Athletics competition. After the October break we will begin circuits.

P5 Term 1 Targets

Primary 5’s Term 1 Targets are listed below:



The main areas of focus this term will be:

Place Value

  • Reading and writing whole numbers up to hundreds of thousands.
  • Understanding that zero is a placeholder
  • Children will be able to use a place value grid to aid them in answering multiplication and division calculations by 10 and 100.

Fractions, Decimals and Percentages

  • Children will be introduced to the decimal point and will learn the link between decimal notation and fractions.

Addition and Subtraction

  • Different strategies to add and subtract numbers up to 5 digits.

Multiplication and Division

  • As always, times tables are an integral part of numeracy and there will be continued practice of these to improve fluency and understanding.
  • Division will be reinforced from previous years and children will learn strategies to divide numbers up to 5 digits.




The children will read two novels this term as a whole class group, ‘There’s a Boy in the Girls’ Bathroom’ by Louis Sachar and ‘The Eye of the Wolf’ by Daniel Pennac. Closer to Christmas time we will also study the poem ’The Night Before Christmas’. Active Literacy reading strategies (Prediction, Metalinguistics, Visualisation, Inference, Main Idea and Summary) will be used to help demonstrate a deeper understanding of the content being read in class.



This term we will be focussing on narrative writing; with a particular focus on using figures of speech to describe a setting and character.

I will also be introducing the children to persuasive writing, where they will be encouraged to express their own personal thoughts and opinions on specific subjects.


Listening and Talking

In November, the class will be asked to prepare a speech on a book of their choice.


I.D.L. / Science

This term, our topic is The Rainforest. The children will learn about the different layers of the rainforest and some of the animals found in each. We will then move on to the impact of deforestation on wildlife, people, and the surrounding landscape and how we can make an impact for positive change.


Health and Wellbeing

This term we will be learning about Substance Misuse and how this can affect our bodies.

In P.E. the focus will be large ball skills and circuits.

P5 Diorama Exhibition

Primary 5 have worked so hard over the past few weeks to create some amazing rainforest diorama’s depicting the different layers of the rainforest.

They then spent the afternoon showing their wonderful work off to parents, grandparents and the other children in the school.

Amazing job Primary 5, well done!

P2a Termly Plan


This term the children in P2A will continue to work on Active literacy spelling. This includes phonemes and tricky words.

The children will continue to receive a new reading book each week that can be read at home and in class. Every week the children will complete comprehension tasks that relate to their book.

P2a will also be exploring alphabetical order of letters and words, nouns, using capital letters and full stops, verbs and rhyme.

Our writing focus this term will be instructional writing.


This term we will be exploring number talks. This will involve using rekenreks, number lines  and subitising.

Numeracy will focus on place value. We will explore tens and units and partitioning numbers. We will also be focusing on number bonds to increase the  children’s speed and accuracy.

Health and Wellbeing

For P.E P2A will be exploring large ball skills, throwing, catching and passing. This will lead to playing mini team games.

Later in the term the children will enjoy some Christmas dancing ready for their party.

P2A will also be exploring the  abilities and needs that others in the class have that makes each of them unique. The children will also discuss appropriate targets for themselves and how to encourage each other to do their best.

Through our I.D.L ‘Teeth and Eating’ the children will conduct science experiments and identify how to keep healthy.

P2A will explore how to stay safe in  a range of emergency situations.

Dunlop Vision & Values

Our wonderful Pupil Council have started thinking about our new Visions and Values for the school & ECC.

Our school Badge has the image of Dunlop Hill and the motto ‘Climb that Hill’, which reflects how we aspire to be the very best we can be and overcome any challenges along the way.

Today we brainstormed what values we think a pupil at Dunlop Primary School and ECC display and came up with 18 values that we think are important, such as: happy, determined, honest, caring, mannerly etc. but then had the hard task of narrowing it down to the 4 that we feel are the most important values for us to promote across our school community.

We’ll now conduct a survey with our parent/carers, staff  and the other learners in the school & ECC to see what they think too!


We’ll hopefully let you know soon!

Primary 6 Term 1 Targets

Numeracy and Maths

This term the focus our numeracy focus will be on place value of numbers to a million and addition and subtraction. They will develop an understanding  that;

Place Value

  • The place of a number determines its value, ie units, tens, hundreds etc
  • Zero is a place holder
  • The lowest value column is lowest to the right
  • Each column is 10 times more than the one to it’s right

Online games to reinforce place value –

Addition and Subtraction

  • How to add and subtract numbers greater than 4 digits using a variety of strategies, including partitioning (breaking a number into value groups), using a number line and formal column sums
  • Rounding to estimate an answer

The children will also develop their problem solving skills by completing tasks which reinforce the general class learning on place value.



This term the children will read two novels as a whole class group, Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo and Wonder by R.J. Palacio. We will continue to use our six reading strategies – Prediction, Metalinguistics, visualisation, Inference, Main Idea and Summary to help demonstrate a deeper understanding of the story.


The focus for writing will be narrative, looking closely at developing a setting and characterisation. The children will be encouraged to use figures of speech such as simile, metaphor, personification and hyperbole.

We will also be writing explanation reports as part of our Health and Wellbeing Topic on the Human Body.

Listening and Talking

In November the class will be asked to prepare a speech on a country of their choice.


Our class topic will be The Human Body. The children will gain a good understanding of the functions of the main organs within the body. As part of this topic they will also look at ways in which to keep their bodies healthy.

Health and Wellbeing

This term we will be discussing mental health. Using the Pixar film Inside Out the children will examine the different emotions that we all feel and look at the changes which can happen as we grow older.

In PE the focus will be on Netball and circuits.




Climb that Hill

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