Category Archives: Primary 1 20/21

Primary 1 Wednesday 13th January, 2021

***Hi everyone ***  I have added a new link for the time game as some boys and girls are unable to access Twinkl.

Good morning boys and girls.  It’s Wednesday already!  I hope you are enjoying completing your tasks at home.

We have a new sound today!  Click below to find out which one it is.

Spelling & Phonics 13.01.2021

I hope you enjoyed the counting in 5’s song yesterday.  I know how much you all love to sing, so  have added another today.  You will notice that all of the numbers end in 5 or 0 – the pattern for 5’s.

If you are able to, print out the following number square (or maybe an adult could help you make one) and colour the pattern of 5’s.  What do you notice?  Continue to practice counting in 5’s today.

Number square to 100

Last day Sabrina was talking about  minutes and today she is asking what you could do in an hour.  When you have PE time at school it lasts for an hour and when it is lunch time it lasts for a bit longer than an hour. Hours are a much bigger measure of time.

The big hand tells us minutes and moves quickly, and the small hand moves more slowly and tells us the hour when we are reading the time on an anologue clock.  You could add a big hand and a small hand to your clock you have made at home.  Below is a time game today where you have to read the correct time.  When the big hand is at the 12, and the small hand is pointing to a number, this is an o’clock time.  We have practiced o’clock times in class, so I am keen to see if you can remember.

Health & Wellbeing

There is a nice story for you to listen to today.  In class we talked about how to be kind to each other and you made lots of lovely suggestions which formed part of our classroom rules.  They included helping, sharing, caring for each other and being friendly and considerate.  You could make a kindness cup at home using a brightly decorated paper cup or something similar.  Add notes to it while we are not at school.

Please continue to practice The Wee Rid Motor when you have time.  Have a good day everyone.  I am looking forward to seeing some of your hard work.

Primary1, Tuesday 12th January, 2021.

Good morning everyone.  I hope you are all having a lovely Tuesday.

Click on the spelling and phonics below to see today’s work.

Spelling and phonics

I hope you are all enjoying reading your new books and would like you to continue today.  Please complete your comprehension tasks by clicking your book title.  These tasks can be completed over two days.

What Was It Like.docx

On The Sand

What A Bad Dog

Numeracy & Mathematics

Today you will continue to find out about Time.  The programme is about minutes.  Yesterday you completed a Health & Wellbeing exercise challenge which lasted 5 minutes.  Was it a long or short challenge?

Which devices could you use to measure 5 minutes?  Did you find out how many little lines are between the numbers on a clock?  Add some to the clock you made yesterday.  Have a go challenge – starting at zero, what number can you write up to in 5 minutes?

You are going to practice counting in 5’s by singing ‘Counting by 5’s.’  Listen to it then sing along.

You are going to  make a bird feeder and observe birds which visit your gardens.  I have included some bird feeders that you might like to make or you can investigate and choose your own.   You can begin to plan this activity, with a view to it being completed by next Monday.

t-he-723-toilet-roll-bird-feeder-craft-instructions_ver_1 t-he-725-pipe-cleaner-bird-feeder-craft-instructions-english



Please remember to send me your work by the end of the week.  You can attach it all in one e-mail each day or at the end of the week.  I will look forward to seeing all your hard work.  If you have any questions, please get in touch by e-mail.

Have a good day boys and girls!


Primary 1 Monday 11th January, 2021.

Good morning everyone!  Happy New Year!  It’s so lovely to be working with you all again.   I hope you had a great holiday and that you are looking forward to learning new things this term.

We will start off as always with new spelling words – get, if.  Which sound is at the beginning of get?   Which vowel is in the middle and which sound is at the end?  Do the same for if.  Do both words have the same number of letters?  If you have magnetic letters, find the sounds to make the words (or write the sounds on little pieces of paper), mix them up then make the words.  Write each word three times, taking care to form the letters correctly and say each word as you write it.  Remember that none of the letters begin at the bottom when writing.  Now  get some pieces of pasta and make the words.   Write a sentence for each one or have an adult read and you write “I can get it if you can not.”

Your new sound today is  ‘j’  Click on the link to watch the Alphablocks explore your new sound.  Listen for the ‘j’ words and write down any you can remember.

There is also a ‘j’ game on Education City.  Click on the pink book today!  You already have your logins at home.

We are going to continue to read lots of lovely books this term.

Connor, Ernie, Euan, Edith, Floyd, Gemma, Imogen F, Seren, Thomas are going to be the Green Group.  You are reading ‘What A Bad Dog.’  You will find this book on Youtube and will need to turn down the sound and pause each page to practice.

Aidan, Alba, Albie, Chloe, Ethan, Fraser, Imogen B, Jack, Joseph, Reuben, Vivienne are the Yellow Group.  You are reading ‘On The Sand.’  You will find this book on Youtube and will need to turn down the sound and pause each page to practice.

Amelie, you are the Red Group.  You are reading ‘What Was It Like?  You will find this book on Oxford Owl which you can search through Google.

Scottish Fortnight will take place between the 18th and 29th January and as part of our Talking & Listening planning, the children all learn a Scottish poem each year.  Primary 1 poem is called The Wee Rid Motor.   Click on the link below to upload the poem.  It should be learned over the next two weeks.  I hope you all enjoy this activity and I will look forward to hearing the children recite their lovely poem at some point.

The Wee Rid Motor

Maths –  I have put a Simple Estimates task on My Maths.  Please complete ‘Try The Lesson’ before ‘Start Homework’ and make sure you log in or I am unable to see your score : )

This week we will be finding out why we need calendars and clocks.  As it’s the beginning of the new year, you might have a new calendar in your house.  Ask an adult to show you todays date on it.  You could maybe score the date off at the end of each day!  When you click on the link below (bitesize), Sabrina will tell you more about the time.  After you have watched the programme, go on a clock hunt around your house  to see how many you can find.  A clock with hands is called an analogue clock.  How many numbers are there?  Which number is always at the top?  What comes next?  Make your own clock face using paper or a paper plate.  Are all your numbers in the correct order?

Health & Wellbeing

Today I would like you to make up your own 5 minute exercise routine which can include music, dance and exercise.  Teach it to someone in your house.  Have fun!

I hope you have a super day boys and girls.  I am really looking forward to seeing all your lovely work!

P1 Santa visit

Santa visited P1 yesterday. Although he was socially distanced, the children still enjoyed seeing Santa, asking him questions and receiving a gift.

Santa checked that all the children in P1 were on the good list, and reminded the children that they must go to bed early on Christmas Eve. He also reminded them not to forget to leave a little treat for him and his reindeer.  🎅🏻 🍪 🥛 🥕



Primary 1 Tuesday 8th December, 2020.

Good morning boys and girls.  I hope you are having a lovely day.

Today I would like you to play the game below with an adult or older sibling.  Use your common words – can,  we,  into,  go,  got,  my,   or any of the other words you think you need to practice.   If you prefer, you can continue to practice the words using practical activities from the Active Literacy homework booklet.

Remember you can also have a look at the books on Giglets or try some of the My Maths challenges.

I have put some counting activities on Education City with an owl picture today.  Please try at least two activities.

East Ayrshire Council – love is.  Choose and print out one of the pictures below.  If you don’t have a printer, design your own bauble and use your imagination to colour it brightly or use glitter and collage items.  Put it in your window for everyone to see.


Primary 1 Monday 7th December, 2020

Good morning everyone,

I hope you’ve all had a lovely weekend and managed to get out for some fresh air.  We are all looking forward to your return to school this week and I’m sure you’re looking forward to seeing each other.

Here are your tasks for today.

Usually on a Monday we talk about what we have been doing over the weekend.  Today I would like you to write me some lovely news instead.  Remember to use capital letters, full stops and finger spaces in your writing.  You should be able to spell some common words correctly and have a go at sounding out others.  Take care with letter formations and read over your news to make sure it makes sense.

spelling words – we,  into,  go,  got – practice the words using some of the activities from the Active Literacy homework booklet

I have put some other tasks on the Education City for you today in the red car. Try to complete at least two tasks.  You can use buttons, pasta etc. to help you count in the maths task and also try the quiz below.

Monday is P.E. day.  Go out into the garden to complete your daily mile.  Practice bouncing and catching a ball or go for a nice walk.  You could look for something interesting to show in class on your return.

Have a lovely day everyone.  Enjoy your tasks and work hard!