All posts by Miss McCrae

P5 Eiffel Tower Artwork

How amazing are these pictures. The children created these over two weeks at art time.

They made detailed line drawings of The Eiffel Tower with black pens before splitting the ink with water to give a nice effect.

They created the background using water colour paints and added paper clouds. 

I love them. Each one is different and such lovely colours. They will be mounted and displayed in class. Well done P5.

P5 Music Time

I cannot tell you how lovely it is to, at last, be able to hear children singing together whilst still adhering to current guidelines.

The children have been learning how to play accompaniments to their songs using glockenspiels. They are doing so well and I thought you would like to see this weeks achievement.

(Their idea to have girls and then boys) How funny!





P5 Basketball Skills

We thought you’d like to see how we are getting on with our block of basketball skills in P.E. this term. 

We worked on defending, dribbling and footwork skills today before trying some mini games.

The children are showing lots of improvement. You can hear them calling out in the video clip to let a player know they have put themselves in a good space to receive a pass.

Lots of happy faces and rosy cheeks afterwards.


P5 We Love Marty!

Today the children were beyond excited to meet Marty the robot!

The children used Scratch Editor to put together blocks of coding which made Marty walk, dance, light up, whistle, kick, wave and even do the splits!

I was so proud of how well the children worked as teams. They supported each other and learned form each other. Amazing to see. Lots of smiles and laughter too.

Throughout the session the children will develop their coding skills and use their knowledge to solve problems with Marty. They will also have lots of fun at the same time.