All posts by Mrs Cochrane

Tuesday 8th December Primary 2 Numeracy

Good morning

For today’s numeracy begin by showing your grown up that you can count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. Remember you can make use of Youtube videos such as The Singing Walrus and Scratch Garden.


Let us continue our focus on time. today I would like you to demonstrate that you can show an hour earlier or later. This can be done with digital time as well.



Have a look around your house, do you have any clocks analogue or digital? Do you have the time on objects that are not clocks?  You could draw some of the things you have found in your home that show the time. Can you draw the object again and show the time an hour earlier or later.

Remember in primary two we have been learning o’clock and half past. You may know some other times as well.

Monday 7th December Primary 2 I.T

Monday 7th December I.T

Our focus when using the computers has been to learn the position of the keys on the keyboard.

Today I would like you to type your phoneme and tricky words into a word document. Once you have typed your words now write at least three sentences using these words. Remember capital letters and full stops. Now you can change the font, size and colour. This means you will need to highlight the words you want to change before you select what you want to do to them.

After that you could log onto Busy things (dunlopteacher  dunlop20) and play tree keys or bird word to improve your ability to find all the letters on the keyboard.

Monday 7th December Primary 2 Numeracy

Monday 7th December Numeracy

Let’s begin today by showing your grown-up that you can count in 2’s, 5’s and 10’s. To help you do this you could sing along to the Scratch garden or Singing Walrus videos on Youtube.

Our focus in numeracy recently has been time. This week please continue to focus on o’clock and half past. Remember to show your grown up these times digitally. Of course if you can show other times then let your grown up see quarter past or quarter to.


Today I have uploaded a calendar for the month of December. Can you add some events that your family might take part in or events that happen in school? You might want to include the time it takes as well. (Perhaps you put up Christmas light between five o’clock and six o’clock on the 5th of December).Then you could give your calendar to a grown up at home and ask them some questions.


For example

On what day do I sledging?

When is Christmas jumper day?

On what day do I make a gingerbread house?

When do I put my Christmas tree up?


Monday 7th December Primary 2 Literacy

Monday 7th December


Good morning everyone! Not long now and you will all be back in class.

Today begin by writing some news. You could write about what you have been up to at the weekend. Did you go for a nice walk or watch some Christmas movies?

Next I would like you to complete some spelling.

Yellow Group

If you are in the yellow group (last week you were looking at ‘oo’) then this week your tricky words are

  • are
  • Dad


This week your phoneme is ‘ck’

sack     back     neck     peck

pick      bucket   rocket

Remember to draw around your tricky words. What shapes do they make? Can you see smaller words within them?


Write each of your ‘ck’ words in a sentence. Remember to include a capital letter and full stop.


Purple Group

If you are in the purple group then last week you were learning ‘ow’ words. This week your tricky words are

  • one
  • first
  • little

Remember to draw around your words. What shape do they make? Can you see smaller words within them?

This week your phoneme is ‘aw’.


jaw     draw    hawk    crawl

awful   saw

Write each of your ‘aw’ words in a sentence. Remember to include a capital letter and full stop.

Friday 4th December Primary 2 Numeracy

For numeracy today I would like you all to try some mental maths questions. You could write your answers on a whiteboard or some paper.


  1. Double 7?
  2. What is one less than 9?
  3. What is the difference between 14 and 18?
  4. Dave has 5 cars, Jack has 10 cars, how many more does Jack have?
  5. What is the sum of 13 and 6?
  6. Subtract 4 from 12.
  7. I am driving my bus , three people get on at the first stop, at the next stop 5 people get on , at the last stop 2 people get off. How many people are on the bus.
  8. What is half of 16?
  9. 19 minus 3?
  10. Add these numbers together 4 and 6 and 5

Today you could also try the three minute number challenge. Set a timer for three minutes, begin at zero and write your numbers how high can you go before the timer runs out? You could have a competition with the people in your home.

You could also try our 50 to 0 challenge. Set the timer for three minutes and begin with 50, can you write all the numbers to zero before the time runs out?

You could also watch Numberjacks on YouTube or watch some of the Scratch Garden number songs.

Friday 4th December Primary 2 Respect me Logo competition


Respect Me logo & slogan competition Dec 2020

Earlier this term we all took time in our classes to talk about bullying with your help we want to make sure that everyone in Dunlop Primary & ECC knows what bullying is, what to do if they experience bullying and how we can stand up to bullies, ensuring that our school continues to be a safe and happy place for us all. To help promote this across the school we are asking you to be very creative and design a colourful, eye-catching school anti-bullying logo/badge with a slogan that everyone from the ECC to P7 will understand and recognise.

The winning logo and slogan will then be made into posters and displayed across the school. There will be a prize for the best entry in each class and for the overall school winner-good luck!
Remember to write your name and class on the back of your sheet and return it by Friday 11th December