P3b Monday 7th December

Dear class, I hope you are all well and have enjoyed a safe and happy weekend. It is going to be very strange today for me to be in class without seeing and working with all of you.

In the meantime, I want you to keep learning and you can show your parents how clever you are by completing the work you would usually do in class but at home. Your completed work should be sent to me via email and Mrs Wilson will share my email with your parents, where I will mark your work and give you feedback as usual. I am so looking forward to receiving your work and hearing how you are getting on. If you need me for anything you are welcome to send me an email and I will also be in school all week so I am available for contact via the school office.

Right P3, we can do this! With warmest regards, have a happy day!

Miss Barrett.

p.s we will catch up on the calendar when we are back and will keep you updated with the antics of Buddy the Elf.

Look out for photographs.

p3b monday home learning

Please find today’s home learning at the link

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