A month of learning in March

Dear Parents/Carers

We have had a very busy STEAM month here in Dunlop ECC.

Please click the link below, relax and enjoy our monthly Sway presentation.

Go to this Sway

Kindest Regards

Mrs Marshall

ECC Monday Mini Forest Adventures

The children spent a sunny afternoon in the Mini Forest, we took magnifying glasses with us to help find signs of spring growth and mini beasts.

The children found small red specks on a branch and thought it might be part of a ladybird, small buds beginning to grow on a shrub, and lichen on branches.

The children found a large piece of wood “Look Mrs Gray it’s a pencil…we can draw with it in the mud.”

The children continue to explore the area, using their imaginations to act out different scenarios, working cooperatively to find and discover interesting objects.

Mrs Gray and Mrs Murray.


World Book Day 2022

Dear Parents/Carers
Yesterday we had lots of fun celebrating World Book Day 2022.  The children’s costumes were fantastic and we enjoyed sharing our favourite stories.
Mrs Gray and Mrs Mack led Bookbug before the children went home.
All children received a book bag that they can keep, inside their bag was two World Book Day book tokens, six Ziggy road safety books and two World Book Day books.
Our World Book Day books were kindly donated by the Book Nook in Stewarton and we would like to say a huge thank you to them for their generosity.
If you are looking for a new book, please pop into the Book Nook and support our local and independent book retailer.   It is a beautiful shop for adults and children to enjoy!
Book Nook Stewarton
Please enjoy looking at our World Book Day celebrations which mark the 25th birthday of World Book Day!
The children from the ECC were asked to show us their daring side and their love for reading by taking part in some extreme reading and they rose to the challenge!  Thank you so much for taking part.