Our Moving on Ceremony

Hello Everyone,

The children have had a wonderful day at the ECC today.  They were superstars at their Moving on Ceremony and they sang their songs beautifully.  After the ceremony we came back to the ECC to play games and dance.  At lunch time the children enjoyed a lovely afternoon tea, with many asking if they could have the same for lunch everyday!

I am sure your children have told you lots about their day and shared what’s inside their transition bags with you.

I have been told today by many children that “This is the best day ever!”

If you have not looked on the app tonight please do.  The link for the Sway presentation of today was posted there this afternoon and I think you will really enjoy it.

We really do appreciate how difficult it would have been for you not to be able to attend your child’s moving on ceremony but, I hope the Sway presentation and the photographs I emailed you all has made it a bit easier.

Have a lovely evening and I will see you all tomorrow

Mrs Marshall

Our Sports Fun Day

Today, we had our Sports Fun Day.  The children have thoroughly enjoyed taking part in races during P.E over the last few weeks so, today we packed up and headed to the park.

The children took part in the flat race, relay race, obstacle course, egg and spoon, hurdles and the wellie wangle!  The aim of the wellie wangle was for the children to throw their wellie to Mrs Thomson.  We had 2 winners!  Much fun was had by all.

The children enjoyed having their snack in the park and after a very active morning.  They were presented with their winners medal!

I am sure they will be really excited to tell you all about it later.

Have a lovely day

Kindest Regards

Mrs Marshall

Our Primary 1 Transition Day

Good morning everyone,

We are sorry we have not been able to post pictures of the last month but, our blog has been so full of lots of lovely learning that we ran out of space to upload any media.  I have cleared some of the Home Learning that was shared throughout lock-down to allow us to share photographs of the children’s visit to Primary 1 with you.

The children had a fantastic day visiting their new classroom and meeting Mrs Sullivan, their new teacher.  They learnt their first letter sound ‘a’, explored their new playground and sang one of their favorite French songs to Mrs Sullivan.

I hope you enjoy looking at some photographs of their day.

Kindest Regards

Mrs Marshall