4 thoughts on “Weekly Reflection”

  1. I’ve been hearing a lot about Camembear! Thank you for the weekly reflection, it’s lovely to read what they’ve been up to throughout the week. I’m sure I’m not the only parent that asks at 3pm what they learned that day, only to get the ” nothing ” reply 😂.

    1. Aww I am so pleased Camembear is being spoken about at home! He has been a popular addition to the ECC and the children have been doing so well with the French words we have been learning. You are definitely not the only parent who gets told by their child they have done nothing all day.
      I am pleased you are enjoying our weekly reflection, we really appreciate your feedback.

  2. Lewis is loving the French too. He has spent the evening singing about ‘Mes Amis’ 😆 Thanks for the updates.

  3. Theo is really enjoying the french , he has been chatting about it and saying the words over the wkd ❤️

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