Dalrymple P4 21-22

June 22, 2022
by User deactivated


Last week marks our last strings lesson of P4 ๐Ÿ™

We have loved our weekly lessons with Mrs Terrace learning and exploring different instruments, music and rhythms. We have also been working hard using bows to play our instruments. Here is a final performance from P4.


June 10, 2022
by User deactivated

School trip to Culzean

P4 had a fantastic day yesterday at Culzean for our school trip. We took part in an activity learning about the history of rocks at Culzean, we were hunting for different rocks down by the shore. We also created our own volcano using the sand and rocks at the shore, we then irrupted our volcano which allowed us to see how far lava travels.
After lunch we had a great time playing at the play park and maze.

What a super day!

June 7, 2022
by User deactivated


Today in maths P4 were estimating the duration they would complete different activities in the playground. We then used stopwatches to time ourselves completing the activities, after this we compared our estimations with the real timings. We found some interesting comparisons.




May 12, 2022
by User deactivated


P4 have been enjoying their tennis lessons with Mr Thompson. We have been learning how to hit the ball with the racquet and keep a rally going between two. We have also been working on our reaction skills. Fantastic skills P4!


May 4, 2022
by User deactivated

Viking Longships

At the end of last term, P4 created fantastic Viking Longships. We first planned how we wanted our Longships to look like and what materials we would need, then we created and constructed them following our design process. The end models are amazing!


April 21, 2022
by User deactivated

Term 4 Overview

As we have now entered into our final term, I wish to share with you P4โ€™s termly overview for term 4.


Literacy Class Novel

Imaginative Writing

Numeracy and Mathematics Time, Money, Data handling, Equations.
Social Studies Budgeting

World of Work

Science The Human Body
Health and Wellbeing Food and Health

Relationships and Sexual Health

P.E Athletics and outdoor summer sports
Technologies Food Textiles


Expressive Arts โ€“ Art Landscapes

Still life drawing

Expressive Arts โ€“ Music Strings

Rhythm and instruments


Expressive Arts โ€“ Drama


Sharing Experiences through our PATHS programme
Modern Languages


Foods, body parts, clothes
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