by Mr Carruthers
Introducing Macro Photography for Beginners Macro photography is close-up photography of small subjects, including things like bugs and flowers. You can take macro pictures in a studio or outdoor environment so long as you are magnifying your subject sufficiently.
by Mr Carruthers
The “Rule of Thirds” is a theory of equilibrium often used in photography and art. Whether we are aware of it or not, our eyes often look for a sense of balance in what we see. This balance can be explained by breaking … Continue reading →
by Mr Carruthers
Today our challenge was looking at perspective. We have some great photos.
I was hoping to look at Photography this session. Therefore I have set a task I hope everyone will enjoy. I have a series of instructional photography videos for children to watch. After they have watched each video I have a short task for them.
Task 1:
Using either an old digital camera or the camera on a phone and take some interesting Spring inspired photos. I will put a selection of the photos on this blog.

Spring Walk by Jenna

Spring Walk by Jenna

Spring Walk by Jenna

by Rex

by Rex

by Rex

by Rex

Daisies on the Golf Course by Mr Carruthers

Pansies in the Park by Mr Carruthers

Cherry Blossom Tree in the Park by Mr Carruthers