Dalrymple Primary School and ECC

Serving the community of Dalrymple

by Mr Stokes

Letter to all parents and carers from Head of Education

Dear Parent/Carer

As you will be aware, the Deputy First Minister has just announced further details about the nature of provision that will be available to some young people during the period of school closures.   I hope this letter will clarify such provision.

Who will our schools and ECCs be open to?

ALL schools and ECCs in East Ayrshire will open on Monday 23rd of March to children and young people whose parents/carers work for the following services:

  • NHS- all staff including primary care (pharmacy/dentistry)
  • Health and Social Care Staff
  • Emergency Services- all staff
  • Staff who work in prisons
  • East Ayrshire Council employees who have children who attend our schools, please discuss with your eligibility with your manager. This will be in line with roles which are designated as essential.
  • Education staff

We will also be providing a service for some of our most vulnerable children identified by professionals in a multi-agency approach.

Please note that the service being provided will not be a continuation of normal educational provision and will also be supported by colleagues from other Council teams such as Vibrant Communities staff.

May I also reinforce that young people with underlying health conditions or who are currently self-isolating should NOT attend such provision, and schools will continue to alert parents/carers to pick up any young people who do exhibit symptoms aligned to COVID-19.

We respectfully ask that other parents/ carers do not send their young people to school, as clearly the measures in place are designed to support critical services and vulnerable young people in addressing this pandemic. If you feel that your job/role meets the criterion but is not listed, please discuss this directly with your child’s school/ ECC.

Young people not attending school/ ECC

All other children and young people will continue to receive educational input via online platforms such as Glow and school and centre staff will be providing updates to you via the school app and other communication tools. We will also be ensuring that schools and ECCs keep in contact with you and your family via regular communications to maintain the already great sense of community and togetherness in our schools and ECCs.

SQA Examination diet

The SQA exam diet for summer 2020 has been cancelled, we are writing to all young people today to support them in this time of acute anxiety and uncertainty, appreciating the amount of work that they have already put into their studies.   We are working on continuity of provision for our Senior Phase pupils (S4-6) and secondary schools will contact you directly to notify you of these arrangements around completion of coursework.

For your information, certification of all SQA qualifications will go ahead, and will be based on both predicted attainment, coursework and assessment throughout the year.  Certification will NOT be based solely on prelim performance.

Teachers have further work to do on these predictions and this is currently in progress. Schools do not have the final outcomes at this point therefore, and I would therefore ask you not to contact schools for the predictions at this crucial time. They are not yet available.

Hours of opening/ transport / catering provision

All of the children and young people attending our provision can attend their usual school/centre on Monday 23rd of March during normal hours.  School transport will be provided in the usual way.  If you currently utilise after-school care services then please speak to the provider about this provision. Lunch facilities will continue for the young people who are attending schools/ ECCs.   Free School Meals will be provided for all young people who are entitled to these in a way that is yet to be detailed, but will be in local communities.

As you will understand, this is a dynamic and fluid situation and we expect that arrangements will change as the week progresses and we understand better the demand on this service and our own staff capacity.

Going forward it is unlikely that the provision will be available in every schools and centre and we will look to centralise some of this, but we will keep you informed via the apps and our own East Ayrshire website of any such changes.

Safety of our schools and ECCs

All schools and ECCs will be operating the recommended social distancing guidance in both dining and classroom settings and encouraging regular handwashing regimen.  Our Facilities teams have already adopted new cleaning regimens and protocols and we have ensured that there are adequate supplies of cleaning products and handwashing products.
We are clearly amidst unprecedented times and I hope that this letter will cover most of the questions that you will have at this time, but we also appreciate that you may have further questions. Can we ask that you direct such enquiries to your individual establishments at this time to allow us to collate and respond to these.

Going forward

As I intimated yesterday, we have no indication as to the duration of these closures, but please know that we are on this journey with you and your families at this time. We have been overwhelmed by the response of our staff in regards to working in new and innovative ways to support our young people in these times.

Can I thank you all for your understanding of these circumstances and for working with us to ensure that our critical services can be supported.

I would encourage you to follow all of the health advice being published, which is available on our website, so that you and your family can stay as safe as possible during this worrisome period.

Kindest Regards

Linda McAulay-Griffiths
Head of Education

Sent To You By East Ayrshire Council

by Mr Stokes


Dear Parent/Carer,

Firstly, thank you for your understanding, support and partnership working with early years settings and schools in what are clearly unprecedented times for everyone.

I would like to take this opportunity to share as much information as possible at this time and will provide updates as more information becomes available.

You may already be aware of the announcement from the First Minister of Scotland this afternoon that she is planning for schools and early years settings to close from Friday of this week.

There is no confirmation at this stage regarding the duration of the closure however please be assured that we will keep you informed. More information will be provided via established methods of communication including:

Schools have been preparing resources, including digital resources via GLOW, for children and young people to access. With regards to pupils in S4, S5 and S6 who are due to complete National Qualification courses and examinations, we await further information from the Depute First Minister tomorrow and details will be provided to parents/carers as these emerge.

We would also advise that at this stage we are planning, with partners, to provide a service for  children of parents who work for  NHS essential services and emergency services. We will be in touch directly, in due course, in regards to detail and also where this support will be sited.  Arrangements are also being prepared to ensure children and young people who are in receipt of free school meals will have access to these whilst schools are closed.

At this stage, can I thank you again for your understanding in these difficult circumstances and we will be in further contact as more details emerge.

Kindest regards
Linda McAulay-Griffiths
Head of Education

by eacindy.odriscoll@glow

School Inspection

HM Inspectors from Education Scotland will be visiting us to conduct an inspection during the week commencing 1st October.  You can find out more about inspection, from the Inspection and review documentation pages of Education Scotland’s website.


As part of the inspection, Inspectors gather the views of stakeholders via an online survey which is available from https://forms.education.gov.scot/s/WECZK/              .


I would like to encourage you to complete the survey. Inspectors will also be meeting with groups of parents during the inspection so to be part of that discussion you should complete the survey with additional links provided to indicate your interest in taking part.


You should complete the survey by 19th September for one child or for each of your children in attendance.


Kind regards

Cindy O’Driscoll


by Mr Stokes

Easter Activities

FREE Easter Activities

& FREE lunch

Football • Netball

Street Games • Bubble Football

Multi Sports • Easter Sports Clubs

CHAMPS • ALL Ability

Grounds 4 Play • Outdoor Play

Bake Off • Youth Team Activities

Youth Action Team

Come along and take part in FREE fun Easter Activities and grab yourself a FREE lunch!

Find out what’s on in your local area

www.eac.eu/events • Tel: 01563 576354

Book onto activities here


Easter 2018 Poster

by Mr Stokes

Micro Tyco Results


Firstly a huge thanks to all the support given for these projects.   The P6 Group managed to raise £83 from the Book Sale and the P5 group managed to raise £120 from the Sweet Raffle.   The luck winners for the raffle were Ethan from P3 who won a Caramel Cake, provided by Dalrymple Colts, and Lucas from P7 and Alfie from P6 who each won the sweetie hamper which was supplied by The Spar and Stobbs.

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