February 2019
The articles we have chosen for the month of February are:
Article 17
You have the right to get the information that is important to your wellbeing, from radio, newspaper, books, computers and other sources. Adults should make sure that the information you are getting is not harmful, and help you find and understand the information you need.
Article 39
You have the right to help if you’ve been hurt, neglected or badly treated.3
Well done to our Scottish themed art winners of:
- James King in the morning ECC group
- Ava McGowan in the afternoon ECC group
- Lucy Scobie in P1
- Layla Kerr in P2
- Skylah Phillips in P3
- Kodie McMillan in P4
- Lauren Harrison in P5
- Carly Ramsay in P6
- Alfie Gough in P7
January 2019
The RRS Steering Group chose article number 30 for the month of January.
You have the right to practice your own culture, language and religion – or any you choose. Minority and indigenous groups need special protection of the right.
This fits very nicely with the work the school will be doing this month to celebrate our national Bard’s birthday.
December 2018
Our monthly article for December is number 19:
You have the right to be protected from being mistreated, in body and mind.
We are looking to create more positivity among everyone, both in class and when out in the playground.
We all had a great day supporting Children in Need and raised a fantastic £208.53 – thank you everyone for your support! 🙂
The Pudsey Drive was a huge hit in the afternoon and got the full school involved.
Well done to the lucky winners above 🙂
It was also suggested that we could make Pudsey a new spotty bandana so the whole school got involved with this by decorating a spot. The RRS group made this on Friday morning before Max and Carly unveiled it to the school at assembly. We all think Pudsey would be very proud of this 🙂
November 2018
P5 enjoyed their extra playtime for being the class with the biggest percentage of children walking, cycling or coming to school by scooter in the month of October. Well done P5!
November 2018
As we are supporting Children in Need this month, the RRS Steering Group have chosen monthly articles which link directly to this great cause.
Article 2
All children have these rights, no matter who they are, where they live, what their parents do, what language they speak, what their religion is, whether they are a boy or a girl, what their culture is, whether they have a disability, whether they are rich or poor. No child should be treated unfairly on any basis.
Article 26
You have the right to help from the government if you are poor or in need.
Article 27
You have the right to food, clothing, a safe place to live and to have your basic needs met. You should not be disadvantaged so that you can’t do many of the things others can do.
We are supporting International Walk to School month this month. The Rights Respecting Schools group asked for as many people as possible to take part in this, with the aim of reducing the amount of air pollution around our school. This is UNICEF’s main aim this year in their OutRight campaign.
Murron and William went round each of the classes today to gather the numbers so far of those who have either walked, cycled or came by scooter to school. Miss Hunter passed this information on to the whole school at assembly, which saw Primary 3 and Primary 5 in the lead just now, both with 61%.
October 2018
For the month of October, we have chosen to focus on article number 18:
You have the right to be raised by your parent(s), if possible.
The whole school will be taking part in the YoungScot competition to design the next Baby Box which is given out to people who are expecting a child. There are some very creative children in Dalrymple Primary, so fingers crossed the lucky winner is from our school. The design on the Baby Box should link to one of the following articles:
12 – The right of freedom of expression
28 – The right to an education
31 – The right to play
Today we had an energy workshop from Eon visit the school. It was a great way to get the message across about protecting our environment through trying to use less energy. This fitted really well with our monthly article, number 29, which we are focussing on.
This was the first meeting of the new Steering Group today. Although most of the group is the same as last year, we welcomed Elodie and Pyeton from P1, and Penny and Ayanna from P2 to join us. After being voted as Depute Head Girl, Meganlee has now joined Mrs O’Driscoll and the Senior Pupil Council group. We will miss your input in our group Meganlee!
This group will be leading our work towards the Gold Award for Rights Respecting Schools and will be more involved with delivering what we decide to the rest of the school.
September 2018
The Rights Respecting Schools Group met with Miss Hunter to discuss the article we are going to focus on for this month. We were really upset to see that some of the apples within our orchard had been destroyed and therefore chose article number 29:
Your education should help you use and develop your talents and abilities. It should also help you to learn to live peacefully, protect the environment and respect other people.
Last year’s Rights Respecting Schools Steering Group were proud to show off the banner we received after gaining our Silver Award at the end of last session.
August 2018
In August we have been revisiting the UNCRC and reminding ourselves of the articles that are on this. Each class was asked to create a cube mural illustrating some of these articles.
Primary 7 Primary 2
Primary 3 Primary 5