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Learning from Home

Hello all,

I hope everyone is keeping well during this time.

I have attached activity charts for Literacy, Numeracy and Learning across the Curriculum. These tasks are set for home learning, any tasks complete can be posted on Learning Journals or emailed to

The pupils attending school this week, should engage with spelling – red words and ew/ear words and the numeracy assigned on Sumdog, as their homework for this week.

Any issues, please get in touch with myself.

Kind Regards,

Miss Auchnie

Learning Across the Curriculum

Literacy Learning from home

Numeracy Learning at home

Numeracy Revision Booklet


Outdoor Learning

Primary 2/3 thoroughly enjoyed their trip to the woods this morning. We started the adventure by working with a partner to find different things on our walk. The children had time to explore the woods, climbing trees, building dens and creating artwork with the natural resources. Returning to class we made some artwork with the things we found.

The team work observed today was absolutely fantastic!

Next up, we will be using the pictures taken from the woods, to inspire our personal story writing, the natural resources we collected will be used for artwork and in numeracy.

We will be attending the woods next Wednesday again, so please ensure appropriate footwear and clothing is worn.