The average person spends over 15 years of their life passively watching media texts
Don’t believe me?
Use this web page to work out how much of your life, to date, you have spent watching TV alone:
Institutional Factors – 1 making a profit
Remember both of your case studies are shown on commercial stations. Apart from the profits which Lime Studios (Hollyoaks) and Syco (X Factor) make for their owners, what does the channel(Channel 4/ITV) do to ensure that they make a profit too?
- ad breaks
- schedulling
- station identifiers (Logos)
- live-tweet blogging
- programme trailers
- leaking stories to the press/celebrity style magazines to generate interest
Homework tips
CfE S2s and 3s Using Movie Maker
Over the next two weeks you will be making 2 simple movies using Movie Maker.
Film 1 – Your first will be using royalty free images from Getty to match pictures and music to make an interesting “Movie”.
Film 2 will be all your own work.
a) You will draw a simple flip book animation. You will then take a photo of each frame you have drawn. You will upload all your images into Movie Maker and then use trial and error to make a very short animation with as smooth a movement as you can.
b) You will use Paint and Movie Maker to make your film.
Worth a look
Happy breaks records by going to number one for the third time.
Not the centre of the universe
Not the centre of the universe
Size matters
BBC Sochi – Happy
Lip synching and action