The Intermediate 1 qualification in Media Studies helps learners to develop further awareness of the media text as a construct. They gain skills in describing a text, identifying individual elements and indicating how they work together.
Learners produce an item in one of the same media they study in the Analysis part of the course. This enables them to see how theory informs practice and vice versa. The course develops critical ability in the spontaneous analysis of an unseen text, and understanding of the relationship between fiction and non-fiction.
The Intermediate 1 Media Studies Course is at SCQF level 4.
At this level, students work on both the modular units in class and work towards an external exam. The units must be passed before the exam can be considered as an option for students. They also have to look at an unseen media text and answer questions about it under exam conditions. The unseen analysis is worth 20% of the marks and the exam itself is worth 80% of the marks. Both the unseen analysis and the exam are marked externally. Any student who has not done well in at least one prelim is unlikely to be able to be presented for the exam on Monday 3rd of June. Access 3 would be the alternative for students in this category.