Wednesday Update

Morning 😀.

Hope you are all well and had a fun bank holiday. Thanks to those who have emailed me back – it has been lovely to speak to you.

On Saturday it was my mum’s 67th birthday. We had a Zoom party for her to celebrate. My sister challenged us to make our own party hat, I decorated mine with cats as my mum loves her cat Molly. We played some games and had a disco, it was lots of fun.

I have still been walking lots, yesterday I walked up the old railway track to Knockentiber.

The weather has to be lovely all this week, so I am hoping to get all my work done and spend lots of time outdoors. I have bought a badminton set for the back garden so hopefully I will get a chance to play 🏸.

Speak to you all soon.

Miss Stevenson.

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