Hello P5, what a busy week you all seem to be having.
Thank you to anyone who has updated their blog or sent work to me via email, I am enjoying seeing how you are all getting on.
I have been checking your Giglets and Education City tasks and I have uploaded some more for those that have completed them. Sumdog Competition starts today so remember to log on and complete some tasks towards the competition.
Remember tasks and your completed work can be screenshot/photographed and uploaded to your blog or in an email to me – I check these daily
Here are a selection of the things you have all been doing this week.
I was very excited to see Eilidh’s Blue Peter Badge from our masterclass came through – did anyone else receive theirs?
Well done Eilidh for completing the Multiplication Frenzy, did anyone manage to beat her time?
Some life skills being learnt here with Harry sewing a face mask – well done!
Looking very ‘of the time’ for his VE Day tea party – cakes look delicious!
Great work from Luis with his Titanic topic – life jackets and class of passengers.
Olivia completed our ‘Night at the Movies’ task and what a super job she has done – tickets made and scanned and a tuck shop too!
Sophie has been very busy completing her Education City tasks, Giglets and Sumdog too. She has been creative making pom poms and out supporting our walk500miles challenge too. Keep up the good work Sophie!
Well done Luke for completing your VE Day spelling and comprehension task for literacy.
Lily’s kitten is going through it’s mischievous stage!