All posts by ealaura.kelly@glow

STEM Tractor Task

P5 have been working very hard to design and create a tractor using recycled materials. This STEM (Science Technology, Engineering and Maths) activity was part of our farming topic where we had looked more closely at machinery used in farming.

P5’s challenge was to make a model tractor which could move and we are delighted to report that all tractors made, did fit this brief!

We discussed our design brief and collaborated in small groups to decide which materials we would use. We then started to create our models. We analysed and evaluated our models as we went and realised we needed, at times, to make some alterations to our original designs.


Homework Week Beg 18th Nov

Homework Week Beg: 18/11/19

  • Spelling – LSCWC x3 and complete 3 active spell activities.
  • Numeracy – revise multiplication tables in preparation for multiplying with decimals.
  • Topic – 2 week Farm research task – non-chronological report. Due 29th November – be prepared to present your completed report.

Homework Week Beginning 11/11/19

Homework Week Beg: 11/11/19

  • Reading – read your personal reading book/class reading book each night and note the pages read in your homework jotter/reading log.
  • Spelling – LSCWC x3 and complete 3 active spell activities.
  • Numeracy – complete the decimal rounding worksheet.

Remember suitable clothing for Outdoor Learning on Thursday.

Homework Week Beginning 04/11/19

Homework Week Beg: 04/11/19

  • Reading – read your personal reading book/class reading book each night and note the pages read in your homework jotter/reading log.
  • Spelling – LSCWC your words and choose 3 active spell activities.
  • Numeracy – Complete subtraction with exchange worksheet (remember to show your working).
  • IDL – find out why a tractor has a large wheel and small wheel.