All posts by ealaura.kelly@glow

P5’s new novel study!

P5 were very excited to begin their new novel study today:

Thumble Tumble and the Ollpheist

As we know, all good reader ask questions and look for clues before opening the book and we spent time during literacy to do just that.

Our ‘Before Reading Strategies’ we developed today were self-questioning and predicting.




PAThS – Control Signals

During our Health and Wellbeing PAThS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies) time today, we have been practising solving problems using the PAThS Control Signals.

We worked collaboratively to solve a variety of set problems as a member of a group using the ‘three steps to calming down’ and the ‘control signals’.


Happy New Year!

Welcome back and I hope everyone had an enjoyable break.

P5 have been working hard today looking at New Year Resolutions and updating their personal and class targets for this term.

As a class, we felt our whole class targets were as follows:

P5 – Multiplication Strategies

P5 have been working hard learning their multiplication tables to improve their speed of recall and their ability to extend their calculations. In order to support their learning, they have been learning different multiplication strategies including:

Arrays, Equal Groupings, Skip Counting and Repeated Addition.

P5 – Symmetry and Digital Technologies

P5 were using digital technologies to support them identify and record symmetrical objects.

We identified symmetrical objects outdoors and captured the images using iPads.

When we returned to class we used ‘Mark Up’ to identify any lines of symmetry on the object then ‘cropped’ our image.

Using ‘Pic Collage’ we collated our pictures and uploaded the images to our Blogs.

P5 – Busy Day of Learning

P5 has had a very busy day today with Numeracy Rotations, learning about Christingles in R.M.E and Literacy Circles.

Today we were learning how to multiply two digit numbers using written calculations. We realised very quickly we needed a strong understanding of our multiplication tables. Our rotation activities included multiplication board games, digital technologies and examples of written calculations.


Today during R.M.E, we were learning all about the Christian Advent symbol called a Christingle. We all enjoyed making a Christingle for our desks.

Today, we started on our new Literacy Circles and were working on our reading strategies and thinking skills.