All posts by ealaura.kelly@glow

Mrs Kelly’s Update 22/04/2020

Hi P5,

I hope you are all well and enjoyed the Easter holidays – even although it was a bit strange being on lockdown. I am sure you all kept very busy. I am missing you all very much and seeing your faces every day, I am looking forward to when we can all come back to school.

Please remember that you can contact me either by email or on your blog. I have been really enjoying seeing your blog updates and hearing all about what you have been doing.

I kept myself busy during the Easter holidays by continuing with my learning journey with cooking and baking. My friend Natalie has been sending me lots of recipes for trying at home; Dylan and  Mr Kelly have said dinners have been tasting better!

It was Mr Kelly’s birthday at the weekend so as a surprise I baked him a cake and we had an afternoon tea. I’ll not lie, I was proud of my cake and it tasted delicious – at least I managed not to burn it!

I have been continuing with trying to keep fit, I am still joining in with Joe Wicks everyday but I have also been doing Yoga and Zumba. Penny was very bored whilst I did my online Zumba class the other day and decided to lie outside in the sunshine instead – I think she prefers when my exercise includes her going for a walk!

I have been very busy outside, although I am trying to keep myself fit, I also have to keep the horses fit too whilst we cannot ride. Paddy has been getting a good groom daily and lunged (going round in a big circle for all you non-horsey classmates) three times a week to keep him healthy too.

I also built a new fence in my garden too – I have been meaning to get around to it for about two years – oops. Finally done now and it finishes off that section of the garden nicely.

I am looking forward to hearing all your news and remember to contact me if you need any help or have any questions about any of the home learning I have set. Remember, these are optional and do not get worried if you do not know how to do something, move on and try something else.

Take care and I hope to see you soon.

Mrs Kelly

Primary 5 Learning Grid 20/04/2020

Hello P5, I hope you all had a lovely Easter break, I am looking forward to hearing all about it on your blog updates.

You can access this week’s learning grid here.

The numeracy fractions challenge can be found here.

The tricky words sheet can be found here.

Please remember that this is a selection of optional activities for you to do at home. I am available via email to answer any of your queries about work and I will check and comment on your blogs if any activities you wish to share are uploaded by a Friday.

Remember to keep checking-in on our class blog for updates and I will try to post on a Wednesday too.

Mrs Kelly


Mrs Kelly’s Wednesday Check-In

Hello boys and girls, it feels like a very long time since we were last together and I am missing you all very much. The ‘dictionkelly’ has not been updated in a while and I am missing our daily ‘fun facts’.

I have been working from home, preparing learning grid activities for you and meeting with the other teachers on ‘Zoom’ – during our last meeting I was talking and no one could hear me, I had it on silent – think it is the quietest I have ever been! 🙂

I have been very busy home-schooling with Dylan too. We created a rainbow for our window for passers by to see and we have done some outdoor learning – we found a snail. Penny dog is loving outdoor learning as she gets to join in too. I have been teaching Dylan all about Number Talks so he is learning the strategies we have worked on this year.

Today I tried out Joe Wicks P.E for the first time, I really enjoyed it however Penny wasn’t very helpful when I was trying to do sit ups! I think I will need to tune in to Joe’s P.E sessions more often.

I am looking forward to hearing about all the different things you and your family have been up to.  I hope you are managing to keep busy and are keeping in touch with one another. I have sent you all an email on Glow with your new Sumdog passwords and if you are stuck with anything you can email me and I will try to help as I do check in on your progress daily. Remember our mantra in P5 – ‘Just give it a bash’ don’t worry if you are not sure how to do something, give it a go or move onto another activity. Remember too you have access on Glow to use Microsoft365 so have a play about with Sway and see if you can create a Sway about what you have been doing or your personal projects.

I have attached some photos of what I have been doing and I would love to see any updates on your Blog, I have been checking them too.

Take care,

Mrs Kelly 🙂



Primary 5 Learning Grid Week Beginning 30/03/2020

Please leave a comment to confirm you have received this update. 🙂

Click here  to access P5 grid.

There are a selection of activities which can be completed as and when suits you.
Have a chat with adults at home to make your own plan.
Please note, these activities are not mandatory.

If you wish for activities to be checked by your class teacher, please upload these to your E-portfolio by 10am on a Friday.
This may be done by creating posts on your E-portfolio or uploading photographs of your work.
Class teachers will check all E-portfolios on a Friday and may comment on your work.

Ideas for Live Daily Events can be found here.

A new grid will be uploaded each Monday for each class therefore it is important that you check the class blog regularly.
You will also continue to have access to Giglets and Education City.

In addition, new logins have been created for all pupils P2-7 for Sumdog.
Your login details will be e-mailed to you. To access this e-mail;
–  log in to your own Glow
– on the Fenwick Primary School launchpad click the ‘Mail’ tile (Outlook – this should be the first icon)
– you will then be taken to your mailbox (you may need to select a time-zone first)

It would be good if you have read this and can pass this information on to your peers to make sure everyone is able to access the same information.

From Mrs Kelly 🙂


Learning Updates

Please remember to check the Updates Page on the school website.

Staff have been working remotely from home and are in the process of making Learning Grids that will be available from the class blogs from Monday to supplement the learning packs issued and Education City and Giglets.

Please be aware there is no expectation to complete everything and these activities and tasks should be spread out over time.

Thank you for your support and understanding at this time.

23/03/2020 Access to Education City and Giglets

Hi P5,

At present, Education City is having some access issues due to the volume of use at present so you may not be able to access Education City today. They have posted a message to say they are working to resolve this issue.

Giglets is also taking time to load and it may take several attempts to access the site.

Our Home Learning Pack which has some other websites and a home project you can do can be accessed electronically here:

Mrs Kelly

Home Learning

Hello P5,

I hope you all had a good weekend. I have uploaded lots of different tasks onto Education City for literacy, numeracy and some French too. The activities are a mixture of revision and challenge tasks for concepts we have learnt in school so far this year.

There are also literacy tasks uploaded onto Giglets for you to work with alongside some e-books.

In our usual P5 mantra, give them your best/have a go and if you are unsure, don’t worry move onto a different task. I will be checking your progress on tasks and will update this blog if I make any changes.

Remember to update your own blog too with things you have been doing at home 😊

Take care,

Mrs Kelly

Homework Week Beginning 16/03/2020

Homework Week Beg: 16/03/2020

  • Reading – read your personal reading book/class reading book each night and note the pages read in your homework jotter/reading log.
  • Spelling – LSCWC your words and choose 3 active spell activities.
  • Numeracy – complete worksheet (after Wednesday)
  • Blog – access your Blog and create a fact file about Michael Morpurgo. (If you struggle to access your Blog submit the fact file in your homework jotter).

P5 Scottish Beekeepers

P5 had a fascinating talk today by Michelle from the Scottish Beekeepers association all about … Bees!

We learned about the Queen Bee and the different jobs bees have in the hive. We also learned the important part bees play in creating foods we eat.