P5 Scotch Pancakes with Fairtrade Ingredients

Today, P5 were using their baking skills and knowledge about Fairtrade to create Scotch Pancakes using Fairtrade ingredients where possible.

Our Process:

  • Wash our hands.
  • Clean our workstation.
  • Weigh and Measure our ingredients.
  • Sieve 200g flour into a bowl.
  • Add 40g sugar.
  • Crack and add 1 egg.
  • Pour in milk and stir … lots!!!
  • Add to the hot plate, flip (carefully).
  • Wait until cooler and add a topping.

Our Fairtrade Price:

  • Flour – £0.50
  • Sugar – £0.80
  • Eggs – £1.00
  • Milk – £0.80
  • 2xBananas – £0.40
  • Chocolate Chips – £0.90

This made 2 pancakes each = 36 pancakes

£4.40 ÷36=12p per pancake

We realised that just by making our Scotch Pancakes we have used skills in:

  • Health & Wellbeing
  • Numeracy
  • Literacy
  • Digital Technologies
  • Global Goals – Zero Food Waste

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