Mrs Kelly’s Update 22/04/2020

Hi P5,

I hope you are all well and enjoyed the Easter holidays – even although it was a bit strange being on lockdown. I am sure you all kept very busy. I am missing you all very much and seeing your faces every day, I am looking forward to when we can all come back to school.

Please remember that you can contact me either by email or on your blog. I have been really enjoying seeing your blog updates and hearing all about what you have been doing.

I kept myself busy during the Easter holidays by continuing with my learning journey with cooking and baking. My friend Natalie has been sending me lots of recipes for trying at home; Dylan and  Mr Kelly have said dinners have been tasting better!

It was Mr Kelly’s birthday at the weekend so as a surprise I baked him a cake and we had an afternoon tea. I’ll not lie, I was proud of my cake and it tasted delicious – at least I managed not to burn it!

I have been continuing with trying to keep fit, I am still joining in with Joe Wicks everyday but I have also been doing Yoga and Zumba. Penny was very bored whilst I did my online Zumba class the other day and decided to lie outside in the sunshine instead – I think she prefers when my exercise includes her going for a walk!

I have been very busy outside, although I am trying to keep myself fit, I also have to keep the horses fit too whilst we cannot ride. Paddy has been getting a good groom daily and lunged (going round in a big circle for all you non-horsey classmates) three times a week to keep him healthy too.

I also built a new fence in my garden too – I have been meaning to get around to it for about two years – oops. Finally done now and it finishes off that section of the garden nicely.

I am looking forward to hearing all your news and remember to contact me if you need any help or have any questions about any of the home learning I have set. Remember, these are optional and do not get worried if you do not know how to do something, move on and try something else.

Take care and I hope to see you soon.

Mrs Kelly