Hello boys and girls, it feels like a very long time since we were last together and I am missing you all very much. The ‘dictionkelly’ has not been updated in a while and I am missing our daily ‘fun facts’.
I have been working from home, preparing learning grid activities for you and meeting with the other teachers on ‘Zoom’ – during our last meeting I was talking and no one could hear me, I had it on silent – think it is the quietest I have ever been!
I have been very busy home-schooling with Dylan too. We created a rainbow for our window for passers by to see and we have done some outdoor learning – we found a snail. Penny dog is loving outdoor learning as she gets to join in too. I have been teaching Dylan all about Number Talks so he is learning the strategies we have worked on this year.
Today I tried out Joe Wicks P.E for the first time, I really enjoyed it however Penny wasn’t very helpful when I was trying to do sit ups! I think I will need to tune in to Joe’s P.E sessions more often.
I am looking forward to hearing about all the different things you and your family have been up to. I hope you are managing to keep busy and are keeping in touch with one another. I have sent you all an email on Glow with your new Sumdog passwords and if you are stuck with anything you can email me and I will try to help as I do check in on your progress daily. Remember our mantra in P5 – ‘Just give it a bash’ don’t worry if you are not sure how to do something, give it a go or move onto another activity. Remember too you have access on Glow to use Microsoft365 so have a play about with Sway and see if you can create a Sway about what you have been doing or your personal projects.
I have attached some photos of what I have been doing and I would love to see any updates on your Blog, I have been checking them too.
Take care,
Mrs Kelly