P5’s Final Feedback Friday
Wow P5, well here it is, our final Feedback Friday. Thank you as always to you all for all the work you have shared with me and updates you have either put on your blog or emailed.I have really loved seeing how you are all getting on during Lockdown as I have missed you very much.
I know you will all be looking forward to your summer break and I am looking forward to welcoming you all back in August for P6!
Sophie has been very busy completing lots of Learning Grid activities and keeping fit walking and dancing.
Luke has been busy completing his numeracy activities and some Formula 1 related literacy tasks. Whilst he was working hard his ponies were relaxing in the field
Luis has been busy learning about different cultures and customs and researching the Ocean.
Flynn has been keeping the horses cool in this hot weather by giving them a bath, this one looks particularly pleased about it. Well done Flynn for your canter video too – very professional
Eilidh has been working her way through the summer activities as well as completing the ‘Hopes for Next Year’ kite – I wonder if it will fly when there is a little more wind?
Well done again for all your hard work. Enjoy your summer break and I am looking forward to seeing you all soon!
Mrs Kelly
Mrs Kelly’s Check-In 24/06/2020
Well P5, this is my last check-in for this year.
I cannot quite believe how our year has ended and I must say I have missed seeing you all each day. I loved my time in P5 with you all. I wish we had got to complete our ‘Dictionkelly’ and continued with our regular ‘Fun Facts’ and great time we were having together.
I am really looking forward to welcoming you all back in August and seeing you all in person.
I wish you all a very very happy summer holiday and hope that as lockdown hopefully eases, you will be able to meet with more friends and family.
This week’s cooking journey continued with meringues. I have never made them before but I must say they were delicious – especially with whipped cream – yum!
I have been out enjoying riding my horse in the evenings and during the weekends – especially when the weather has been kind to us – makes a change from getting soaked. I thought you would like to see a picture of Paddy chilling out in his stable and both him and Buster trying to say hello to my phone – extreme muzzle close up
Another busy week in the garden animal spotting. Daisy cat was keeping an eye on the ever growing number of baby bunnies which are visiting the garden. Last night there were 5 in a row! I also saw a baby Magpie which was sitting looking very confused, I think it must have just fledged its nest and was unsure what to do. Lastly, the sheep arrived back this week after being away to get sheared – busy time at Mrs Kelly’s house!
Dylan and I enjoyed a lovely walk at our local woods – Lainshaw Woods. We saw lots of different wild flowers, insects and fairy doors. Dylan loved exploring all the different wooded areas and we even found a rope swing too. It was a lovely day spent outdoors.
Remember to send me this week’s updates and keep at the Sumdog competition as we were nearly in the top 10!
Take care,
Mrs Kelly
Fenwick Primary Prize Giving 2020
The final week of term is here for all pupils at Fenwick Primary and ECC.
Check our School Updates Page to view our Virtual Prize Giving messages.
Well done not only to all pupils who received awards but to every single pupil for your hard work and efforts this year.
I know Primary 5 has not quite ended as we expected but I am looking forward to welcoming you all back in August.
Mrs Kelly
P5 Learning Grid 22/06/2020
Hello P5,
Please remember that your Learning Grid can be found on our new TEAMS channel. Please check your email account for details of how to access TEAMS. If you have any problems, please let me know as soon as possible so as I can try and help.
Remember there is an East Ayrshire Sumdog competition on this week and it would be great to see P5 on the leader board. We need a minimum of 5 players for scores to count.
I hope you all have a great week and enjoy our fun activities on our whole school Learning Grid for this week. I look forward to seeing your updates.
Thank you,
Mrs Kelly
Feedback Friday 19/06/2020
Hello P5,
I hope you are all having a lovely week and keeping busy.
Remember East Ayrshire’s Sumdog competition runs today until next Thursday at 8pm – we only need 5 players for our scores to count. Can we get P5 onto the leaderboard?
Please remember next week’s Learning Grid will be posted on TEAMS – check your email for details of how to access TEAMS and thank you to the pupils who have logged in already.
Sophie has been working hard on the different Learning Grid tasks including literacy, numeracy, Values poster and the Careers Cards – I think her hair and make up look very professional
Eilidh has been working hard on her comprehension tasks, numeracy tasks AND baking lovely crispy cakes as a treat – yum!
Ellie has been busy in the kitchen making a delicious soup – looks great!
Luke has been working hard on his numeracy work and naming the parts of a vehicle from the tasks on the Careers Cards.
Olivia has created a very informative PowerPoint about the Oceans which you can read here. Well done!
Next week’s Learning Grid is full of fun activities for the last week of term. I am looking forward to seeing your last updates.
Mrs Kelly
Sumdog Update
Hi P5,
Well done to our Sumdog Leaders this week. Reece and Flynn, great job!
Starting tomorrow at 8am until next Thursday at 8pm, there is an East Ayrshire Sumdog competition.
Can we improve on P3/4’s 2nd position last time? We only need 5 players to join in in order to qualify – lets see if we can have P5 as No.1
This week’s class results are:
**Important TEAMS Information**
We have been working hard setting up Microsoft Teams for each class so that this can be used as the platform on which all teachers will be uploading learning grids and related resources.
This is something which we intend to use in August as part of our blended learning approach. For this reason we felt it was important for each child to be able to access Microsoft Teams to familiarise themselves with how to view the resources uploaded by their class teacher.
Please note: No work has to be uploaded to Teams. All finished work by pupils should still be shared in the same way as we have been doing – by uploading to E-portfolios or alternatively by e-mail to the class teacher (where there are difficulties uploading to E-portfolios).
An e-mail has been sent to every pupil today providing them with a unique code which they require to access their own class Team. A pupil and parent ‘how to’ guide has also been included in this e-mail (this can be viewed by clicking below).
Mrs Kelly’s Check In 16/06/2020
Hello p5, check in time and I hope you are all safe and well.
We are hurtling towards the end of term and summer holidays and I can’t quite believe it. I have been in school a lot more this last week making plans with Mrs Davidson and the other teachers for our return in August. I am certainly looking forward to seeing you all!
This week I have been busy getting the drainage at my stables fixed. We had to lift lots of bricks and before they could be replaced they needed all the old mortar cleaned off them – guess whose job that was
that’s right, mine!
I have been continuing to exercise with HiiT classes and Zumba on Zoom and going for walks. Dylan has been having a great time playing and swimming in the pool, albeit the water can be a bit cold!
It was Mr Kelly and I’s 17th wedding anniversary on Saturday. We had a lovely day and received lots of lovely anniversary messages. I enjoyed showing Dylan our wedding photographs too.
As you know I have two baby bunnies that visit my garden, this week three tiny bunnies have been visiting my stables and have been coming quite close to me. Today I managed to get a little video of them to show you, very cute
I hope you all have a great week. Look out tomorrow for an update on where our Learning Grids will be posted next week in preparation for our return in August.
I look forward to seeing all your updates this week. Take care.
Mrs Kelly
P5 Learning Grid 15/06/2020
Good morning P5 and welcome to a new week. I cannot believe we are now half way through June!
I hope you are all well and thank you to everyone who has shared some of their learning and home activities with me via their blog or email.
This week’s learning grid can be found here.
Attachments you will need to complete this week’s work are:
Reminder of Number Talks Strategies Lesson 1 Round decimals Lesson 2 Halves and quarters Lesson 3 Pounds and pence Lesson 4 Ordering money White Rose Maths Videos Summer themed-multiplication-and-division-facts Summer-Multiplication-Activity-Booklet
Spelling Words Talk for Writing – Amazing Aliens Remember First News iHUb logins were sent to your GLOW email address.
Health and Well-being
Wildness wallchart Nature Table 30 Days Wild Bingo 30 Days Random Acts of Wildness Cards Article-of-the-Week_Article-2 Coping Toolbox Dealing with change Relaxation Activities Staying connected Ways to Feel Better Worry Jar
Ocean-animal-research-task STEM Tasks School Values Whole School Task