Weekly Round up 21.1.22

Mrs Schendel has had a fantastic week with P4 and we have been very busy!

In numeracy we have been working on quick recall of the 3, 6 and 9 times tables facts.  We have been using the grid method to multiply two digit numbers by 3, with some of us even challenging ourselves to multiplying 3 digits.

In literacy, as part of our Scotland topic, we have been looking at setting and characters using a clip from the film Brave.  We wrote character profiles for Merida using lots of super adjectives.

We have also had lots of fun learning to play the glockenspiels! We have learned about notes on a stave and the number of beats in a bar and in one week we have learned to play Twinkle Twinkl Little Star.  Have a listen to our great efforts below.



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