Friday round up!

Primary 4 have been busy continuing  our new topic ‘Natural Disasters’. We started with the question ‘Could you dig a hole through the Earth?’ and began to learn about the 4 layers of our planet. We then learned about earthquakes, what causes them and researched  how countries can protect themselves with really clever things like ‘Earthquake Proof’ buildings.

We then got creative and used a picture of a volcano erupting as a stimulus for some beautiful artwork using tapping, sprinkling and blowing techniques. It was a messy job but totally worth it!  We will be learning lots more about volcanoes next week.

On Wednesday, we were lucky enough to have the first of our rugby sessions. It was chilly but we still had lots of fun!


Friday was another fab day as we completed a series of challenges set by P7 including an outdoor challenge, scavenger hunt, drawing and a chair building construction challenge.

This week was also the start of our ‘Catrine Compliments’. Check out this weeks amazing VIPs (and all the wonderful things we all have to say about them!) below.

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