All posts by Mrs McKenna

Big Talk Homework

Twice a year, the children take part in our whole school ‘Big Talk Homework Challenge’.  This is where your child gets the opportunity to prepare and present a talk to the class.  The topic will change depending on the focus for that term.  This term we will be having a World of Work day so the title of the talk will be ‘When I grow up, I would like to be…’.   At home, your child should prepare and practise their talk.

Some ideas to include in their talk might be:

  • What job would they like to do when they are older?
  • Why they would like the job?
  • What skills or equipment they might need for the job?
  • A picture/drawing/poster about their chosen job

The talk should be ready to be presented the week beginning Monday 6th June. More details will be given shortly (please check Blog) about which day that week your child will be giving their talk.

We look forward to hearing about what they would like to be!

Weekly Round-Up

Here’s an update of what we have been getting up to in Primary 2 this week!

Well done to Cole who won 3rd place in the Catrine Show Art Competition at the weekend. Cole was delighted to see his ‘Platinum Jubilee’ crown on display at the show and to receive his prize in school this week. What an achievement Cole, you should be very proud!

We weren’t very lucky with the weather when we were out our class walk this week. The heavens opened when we arrived at the park and we had to cut our walk short and head back to school. We were so happy when the sun made a very brief appearance!

It was Mia’s birthday on Wednesday and Ivy made her a lovely birthday card.

We have been learning about halves and quarters in maths.

We have been making persuasive posters in literacy to encourage people to recycle and to put their litter in the bin.

We have also been learning about the planets as part of our ‘Space’ topic.

Next week Primary 2 will be starting a block of football training with Kilmarnock FC. Sessions will take place on a Tuesday morning and will take place outside or in the gym hall if it is raining. Pupils should come to school suitably dressed for these sessions.



Primary 2 have been learning about fractions in maths. The ‘Sharing a picnic’ numeracy homework task for this week is all about recognising halves and quarters.

Please click on the link below to view this activity:

Sharing a picnic

Pupils have also been issued with a new reading book and should continue to practise their common words at home.

Book bags should be returned on/by Monday 16th May.

Thanks for your continued support.

Weekly Round-Up

It has been a short but busy week in Primary 2!

We had lots of fun at the park on Tuesday. We have been learning to work together and to support and encourage each other when playing on the equipment.

We have started to learn about fractions and weight in maths.

We have been playing team games in the gym hall.

We have also been learning to use some British Sign Language as this week is Deaf Awareness Week.

Weekly Round-Up

This week we went for a lovely walk to the river. We enjoyed looking for treasure and throwing stones in the water.

We have been learning the ‘au’ sound in literacy and have been working hard to learn our common words. In numeracy we have been revising multiplication and division before starting to learn about fractions next week.

We have started our new ‘Space’ topic. We talked about what we already know about space and what we would like to learn. We have got lots of questions that we want to find the answers to!

We have been talking about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and made beautiful crowns which look fantastic on display in the corridor. Mia, Mykayla and Paige worked hard to listen and follow instructions to draw these super ice-cream towers.

Please remember that Monday is a bank holiday and that Thursday is a staff in-service day. Book bags should be returned on Tuesday and will be issued again the following week.

Have a lovely long weekend!

Mrs McKenna


Primary 2 have been learning about multiplication and division in maths. The numeracy homework task for this week is all about sharing small quantities. The ‘Sharing Lollies’ activity has been added to scrapbooks/book bags and coloured pencils have been provided to complete the task.

Please click on the link below to view this activity:

Sharing Lollies

Pupils have also been issued with a new reading book and should continue to practise their common words at home.

Due to being off on holiday on Monday, book bags should be returned on/by Tuesday 3rd May.

Thanks for your support.

Last week of term

Have a look at all the fun we have been having this week!

We have enjoyed playing outside.

We have been learning how to look after our teeth.

We have been dressing up as different people who help us.

We finished off the term with a fun filled day of Easter activities organised by the Primary 7’s.

We decorated eggs.

Gracie-Leigh was the P2 winner of the egg decorating competition. Well done!

We had an Easter egg hunt in the class and then got to eat them. Yummy!

Have a lovely Easter holiday!

Weekly Round-Up

We have had another busy week in P2. It’s hard to believe that we only have one more week left of term 3!

This week we had a great afternoon playing in the sunshine at the park. We had fun playing on the swings, chute, roundabout, seesaw and climbing frame. Gracie-Leigh also found a beautiful ladybird!

We have been learning about how paramedics help us as part of our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic.

We have also been learning how to divide by sharing and grouping in maths.

We had lots of fun playing ‘popcorn’ with the parachute in P.E.

Here’s a wee look at all the other things we have been getting up to…

There will be no homework issued next week as it is the last week of term before we finish for the Easter holidays. Please ensure that all book bags are returned on Monday.

Thank you.

Numeracy Homework

Primary 2 have been learning about money with Miss Murdoch, so the numeracy homework for this week is all about recognising and knowing the value of coins to 20p. This task involves making a shop with items to sell at home.

Please click on the ling below to view this activity:

Using Money Challenge

Homework should be returned in book bags by/on Monday 28th March.

Have fun!