Weekly Round-Up

We have had another busy week in P2. It’s hard to believe that we only have one more week left of term 3!

This week we had a great afternoon playing in the sunshine at the park. We had fun playing on the swings, chute, roundabout, seesaw and climbing frame. Gracie-Leigh also found a beautiful ladybird!

We have been learning about how paramedics help us as part of our ‘People Who Help Us’ topic.

We have also been learning how to divide by sharing and grouping in maths.

We had lots of fun playing ‘popcorn’ with the parachute in P.E.

Here’s a wee look at all the other things we have been getting up to…

There will be no homework issued next week as it is the last week of term before we finish for the Easter holidays. Please ensure that all book bags are returned on Monday.

Thank you.

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