Homework – Week beginning 17th January

As part of our Scotland topic all classes are learning a Scots poem.  The Primary 2 poem is Twa-Leggit Mice by J K Annand.

Twa-Leggit Mice by J K Annand

Ma mither says that we hae mice
that open air-ticht tins
And eat her chocolate biscuits
And cakes and sic like things.

Nae doot it is an awfy shame
that mice should get the blame.
It’s really me that ripes the tins
When left alane at hame.

But jings I get fair hungert
And biscuits taste sae nice
But dinnae tell ma mither
For she thinks it is the mice!

Pupils have been given a new reading book as well as a paper copy of the poem in their book bag today. Please practice it with them at home as we will be filming a class performance for the blog at the end of the month.

We are also planning on heading out for a walk on Tuesday and Friday afternoons this week, so please ensure that pupils come to school suitably dressed.

Thank you.

Mrs McKenna


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