Homework – Week beginning 6th December

Numeracy Homework

Pupils have been given a numeracy homework task to complete this week which has been added to their numeracy scrapbook in their book bag. This activity is all about 2D shapes, positional language and listening to instructions accurately. Pupils have been provided with coloured pens to complete the task.

Please click on the link below to view this activity:

Decorating a Christmas tree

This homework should be returned in book bags by/on Monday 13th December.


Pupils should also continue to practise their lines for the nativity, if they have chosen to have a speaking part. They don’t need to know their lines off by heart, but if they do it’s an added bonus!

We are going to begin filming on Wednesday (8th December), so if your child has a Christmas jumper/accessories they can come to school wearing them for filming that day.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs McKenna

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