Weekly Round-Up

Here’s an update of what we have been getting up to in Primary 2 this week!

Well done to Cole who won 3rd place in the Catrine Show Art Competition at the weekend. Cole was delighted to see his ‘Platinum Jubilee’ crown on display at the show and to receive his prize in school this week. What an achievement Cole, you should be very proud!

We weren’t very lucky with the weather when we were out our class walk this week. The heavens opened when we arrived at the park and we had to cut our walk short and head back to school. We were so happy when the sun made a very brief appearance!

It was Mia’s birthday on Wednesday and Ivy made her a lovely birthday card.

We have been learning about halves and quarters in maths.

We have been making persuasive posters in literacy to encourage people to recycle and to put their litter in the bin.

We have also been learning about the planets as part of our ‘Space’ topic.

Next week Primary 2 will be starting a block of football training with Kilmarnock FC. Sessions will take place on a Tuesday morning and will take place outside or in the gym hall if it is raining. Pupils should come to school suitably dressed for these sessions.


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