This week we went for a lovely walk to the river. We enjoyed looking for treasure and throwing stones in the water.
We have been learning the ‘au’ sound in literacy and have been working hard to learn our common words. In numeracy we have been revising multiplication and division before starting to learn about fractions next week.
We have started our new ‘Space’ topic. We talked about what we already know about space and what we would like to learn. We have got lots of questions that we want to find the answers to!
We have been talking about the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee and made beautiful crowns which look fantastic on display in the corridor. Mia, Mykayla and Paige worked hard to listen and follow instructions to draw these super ice-cream towers.
Please remember that Monday is a bank holiday and that Thursday is a staff in-service day. Book bags should be returned on Tuesday and will be issued again the following week.
Have a lovely long weekend!
Mrs McKenna
Primary 2 have been learning about multiplication and division in maths. The numeracy homework task for this week is all about sharing small quantities. The ‘Sharing Lollies’ activity has been added to scrapbooks/book bags and coloured pencils have been provided to complete the task.
Please click on the link below to view this activity:
Sharing Lollies
Pupils have also been issued with a new reading book and should continue to practise their common words at home.
Due to being off on holiday on Monday, book bags should be returned on/by Tuesday 3rd May.
Thanks for your support.
Have a look at all the things we have been doing in the first week of term 4!
Have a look at all the fun we have been having this week!
We have enjoyed playing outside.
We have been learning how to look after our teeth.
We have been dressing up as different people who help us.
We finished off the term with a fun filled day of Easter activities organised by the Primary 7’s.
We decorated eggs.
Gracie-Leigh was the P2 winner of the egg decorating competition. Well done!

We had an Easter egg hunt in the class and then got to eat them. Yummy!
Have a lovely Easter holiday!

Just another – East Ayrshire site