Numeracy Homework
Pupils have been given a numeracy homework task to complete this week which has been added to their numeracy scrapbook in their book bag. This activity is all about adding number bonds to 10, counting in 2’s and and solving problems using concrete materials.
Please click on the link below to view this activity:
Baby Birds
This homework should be returned in book bags by/on Monday 28th February.
Pupils have also been issued with a new reading book in their book bag this week.
Mrs McKenna
Primary 2 were so happy to finally be allowed to have indoor P.E. in the gym hall this week! The class had great fun playing games and using the parachute.
If you haven’t already done so, please send in a bag with a pair of shorts and trainers/gym shoes for your child to wear for indoor P.E. sessions. These can be kept in school on your child’s peg.
This week we have been building some super models, working on our spelling and reading in literacy and continuing to use different strategies to multiply in maths.
Primary 2 will be starting weekly indoor P.E. sessions on a Friday afternoon. Pupils should bring in a P.E. kit (e.g. shorts, trainers in a bag that can be left in school) to wear for these sessions.
We will continue to go for a walk on a Tuesday afternoon with Primary 1, so pupils should come to school suitably dressed on that day.
Thanks for your support.
Mrs McKenna
This week is Children’s Mental Health Week and Primary 2 have been learning about Growth Mindset and the Power of Yet. We read the story ‘Giraffes Can’t Dance’ by Giles Andreae and wrote about things we can do and can’t do….yet! We made these super giraffes which will look fantastic on display.

In maths we have been learning to use a number line to multiply.
We have also had lots of fun building with the new blocks that have been purchased for our class, making play dough, painting and drawing. We even had some Valentine’s Day activities in the class this afternoon.
Our walk this week was much muddier than expected, apologies for all the dirty shoes!
Here are our ‘Star of the Day’ awards for this week:
- Rhys for excellent reading.
- Gracie-Leigh for being kind.
- Jack for super sounds work.
- Paige for showing a growth mindset.
Well done everyone!
Have a great February weekend.
Mrs McKenna
Numeracy Homework
Pupils have been given a numeracy homework task to complete this week which has been added to their numeracy scrapbook in their book bag. This activity is all about adding and subtracting number bonds to 10 including zero. We have started to learn about multiplication in class, so pupils may also want to include some multiplication number sentences.
Please click on the link below to view this activity:
Chinese New Year
Due to the holiday weekend, this homework should be returned in book bags by/on Wednesday 16th February.
Pupils have also been issued with a new reading book in their book bag this week.
Mrs McKenna
This week Primary 2 have been talking about their local community. We went for a walk around the village to identify different places in Catrine and to see some of our houses!
We have also been learning about road safety and have been writing instructions for how to cross the road safely.

We have been continuing to learn about multiplication in maths and have had great fun playing with cardboard boxes and bubble wrap during our afternoon activities.
Our ‘Star of the Day’ awards this week were:

- Harris for giving 100% with tasks.
- Jamie for working hard in maths.
- Rhys for super sounds work and Mykayla for great effort with maths work.
- Kacey for being a confident individual.
- Ivy for great handwriting.
Well done everyone!
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