Homework – Week beginning 24th January

Numeracy Homework

Pupils have been given a numeracy homework task to complete this week which has been added to their numeracy scrapbook in their book bag. This activity is all about counting to and across 100 and talking about one more than/one less than.

Please click on the link below to view this activity:

Counting Challenge

This homework should be returned in book bags by/on Monday 31st January.


Pupils should continue to practise their poem ‘Twa-Leggit Mice’ at home as we will be filming our class performance for the blog on Thursday. If pupils have anything tartan they can wear it for filming on that day.


Pupils have also been issued with a new reading book in their book bag this week. Please ensure book bags are returned by/on a Monday morning so that new books can be issued.

Thanks for your continued support.

Mrs McKenna

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