What a busy week we have had in Primary 2! We have been working so hard practising our lines and songs for our nativity which we have now recorded. We can’t wait for you all to see it!
We have also been busy learning to use a number line to subtract in maths, writing narrative stories, learning about the weather and making play dough. We have been reading the class novel ‘Stick Man’ and we watched the film this week as Ashton very kindly brought it in for us to see. Today we also had fun making our very own stick men.

We also wore our Christmas jumpers and enjoyed our Christmas lunch today. Thank you to the dinner ladies for making an amazing lunch for us all, it was absolutely delicious.
Paige was the class winner of the ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’ Award for her ‘bright hoodie’ design for the JRSO competition. Great work Paige!

Here are our ‘Star of the Day’ awards for this week, well done everyone!

Please ensure book bags and numeracy scrapbooks are returned on Monday. There will be no homework issued next week.
It is our Christmas Party on Wednesday afternoon (15th December). Pupils should come to school dressed in their party clothes.
Have a great weekend!
Mrs McKenna