Happy Holidays!

We have finally made it to the end of term 2, and the start of the Christmas holiday!

Primary 2 have had a fun filled few days of Christmas activities. We have made and painted our own salt dough decorations, built Lego Christmas trees, decorated gingerbread men biscuits and enjoyed some Christmas Cosmic Yoga.

We finished off with a Christmas movie and some treats this afternoon.

I hope you all have a fantastic Christmas and Happy New Year!

Mrs McKenna

Weekly Round-Up

It’s hard to believe that this is our last full week of term! This week Primary 2 got the chance to watch the nativity that they have been working so hard on over the last few weeks. I think you will all agree that all of the pupils did an amazing job! They have also been writing letters to Santa, learning how to draw an ‘elf on the shelf’, painting some super snowman pictures and watching the panto ‘Aladdin’.

We had great fun at our Christmas party on Wednesday afternoon. We danced the afternoon away, played some party games and even had a visit from Santa!!!!

This afternoon we went on a Christmas scavenger hunt around the village. We had lots of fun trying to find all of the items on our list.

Here are our ‘Star of the Day’ awards for this week, well done everyone!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs McKenna

Weekly Round-Up

What a busy week we have had in Primary 2! We have been working so hard practising our lines and songs for our nativity which we have now recorded. We can’t wait for you all to see it!

We have also been busy learning to use a number line to subtract in maths, writing narrative stories, learning about the weather and making play dough. We have been reading the class novel ‘Stick Man’ and we watched the film this week as Ashton very kindly brought it in for us to see. Today we also had fun making our very own stick men.

We also wore our Christmas jumpers and enjoyed our Christmas lunch today. Thank you to the dinner ladies for making an amazing lunch for us all, it was absolutely delicious.

Paige was the class winner of the ‘Be Bright, Be Seen’  Award for her ‘bright hoodie’ design for the JRSO competition.  Great work Paige!

Here are our ‘Star of the Day’ awards for this week, well done everyone!

Please ensure book bags and numeracy scrapbooks are returned on Monday. There will be no homework issued next week.

It is our Christmas Party on Wednesday afternoon (15th December). Pupils should come to school dressed in their party clothes.

Have a great weekend!

Mrs McKenna

Homework – Week beginning 6th December

Numeracy Homework

Pupils have been given a numeracy homework task to complete this week which has been added to their numeracy scrapbook in their book bag. This activity is all about 2D shapes, positional language and listening to instructions accurately. Pupils have been provided with coloured pens to complete the task.

Please click on the link below to view this activity:

Decorating a Christmas tree

This homework should be returned in book bags by/on Monday 13th December.


Pupils should also continue to practise their lines for the nativity, if they have chosen to have a speaking part. They don’t need to know their lines off by heart, but if they do it’s an added bonus!

We are going to begin filming on Wednesday (8th December), so if your child has a Christmas jumper/accessories they can come to school wearing them for filming that day.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs McKenna

Weekly Round-Up

A huge well done to all of the Primary 2’s for all the hard work and effort they put into their class talks this week. They all did an absolutely amazing job talking about their favourite animal and I really enjoyed listening to their talks.

This week we also celebrated St Andrew’s Day and learned about the story of our patron saint.

We have been learning to subtract in maths and have started reading our new class novel ‘Stick Man’. We also had great fun decorating the classroom for Christmas!

Here are our ‘Star of the Day’ awards for this week, well done everyone!

Primary 2 are going to be narrating our nativity video and those that want a speaking part have now been sent home with their words. Please practise these lines at home. All children will take part in our performance and we can’t wait to share it with you!

Have a great weekend.

Mrs McKenna