Weekly Round-Up

It’s the end of yet another busy week in Primary 2!

The boys and girls have been working really hard on their number bonds in numeracy. In literacy we have been practising our sounds and creating some super pieces of writing.

We spent some time outside practising our ball skills this week and have also been learning about the weather. We have talked about the different seasons of the year and read the story ‘Little Raindrop’ to learn about the water cycle.  This morning we went outside and drew around the puddles and when we went back outside this afternoon, most of them had disappeared! We learned that this is called evaporation.

Here are our ‘Star of the Day’ awards for this week, great effort everyone!

I am looking forward to hearing all of the children’s talks next week. Please check the previous post for details of when your child will present their talk.

Please ensure all book bags are returned on Monday.

Have a great weekend.

Mrs McKenna


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