Weekly Round-Up

This week Primary 2 have been learning about volcanoes. They have been finding out the answers to the questions they asked last week by watching videos, making volcanoes at the creation station and even carrying out a volcano experiment!

We have also spotted lots of rainbows in the sky this week. We learned about how a rainbow is formed and made our own rainbow puddles in the playground.

Have a look at some of the other things we have been getting up to.

Here are our ‘Star of the Day’ awards for this week, well done everyone!

Book Bags

A wee reminder that all book bags should be returned on a Friday so that pupils can be issued with a new reading book for the following week. Pupils will not be able to choose a new reading book until the previous book is returned.

Maths scrapbooks should also be returned each week for me to see any activities that have been completed. Pictures of any homework tasks can also be sent to me by e-mail. My address is laura.mckenna@eastayrshire.org.uk.

Thank you for your support.

Mrs McKenna

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