I would like to introduce myself as the Expressive Arts Champion within the Early Childhood Centre and for the next 5 weeks I will be working alongside Tammie, who works as our Homelink Champion. Together we have comprised a programme of fun activities for you and your child to engage in at home.
We love a sing song and a boogie within the centre and thought we would start the week off asking the children to record and upload a video to their Learning Journal of them singing and dancing to their favourite song at home. These will be played on the large screen in the music area for the children to share with their friends. I’m going home to practice my favourite – George Ezra – to get the party started. Can you upload your amazing videos by Thursday at the latest please?
**Thinking caps at the ready for week 2 as we will be making some musical instruments, perhaps a good idea to collect some recyclable materials ready for your challenge.
We continued with the Hallowe’en theme this week as the children were very keen and interested in the activities on offer and most were inspired by the popular Room on the Broom story. These activities included re-enacting the story, making potions, designing our own wands and witchy collages. Outdoors, the children explored a range of techniques to create firework pictures. They made potions in the mud kitchen. In the Ocean Room the children asked if they could make roads, use tools and Lego to build. They helped set up the playroom and selected resources of interest.
Here at Catrine ECC we are working hard in an effort to achieve our Digital Schools Award.
Sherrie is our STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths) Champion and within that role she hopes to lead the centre to this fab achievement but to do so she needs your help.
We would be super grateful if you could take just 5mins to complete the short questionnaire in the link below. Thank you in advance.
Well done to all of the ECC staff and children who were involved in the filming yesterday afternoon for the East Ayrshire Council film for the CYPIC Conference in Glasgow.
The film crew commented on the brilliant learning activities provided for the children and loved filming the interactions between children and staff. We are so proud that Catrine ECC is being recognised for its quality learning and teaching environment.
Special thanks to our Depute Manager, Alana, for her wonderful organisation and preparation for the film schedules and for her interview.
The children enjoyed looking at the different types of seeds that came from some of the fruit they were offered at snack. During snack, the staff ensure they are at the children’s level to communicate effectively. They ensure they have eye contact and give the children their full attention during discussion. They also allow the children adequate time to respond, promoting and encouraging positive interactions. The children used descriptive language to describe the texture, shape and size of the seeds. When participating in the discussion they communicated their thoughts and knowledge effectively. They discussed where the seed came from, what seeds require to help them grow and what they might grow into.