Care Inspectorate report in full

As you will be aware in February 2024 we received an unannounced visit from Care Inspectorate. This is usually aimed to be carried out every 5 years.

During the holidays our report was made public on the Care Inspectorate website.

We were delighted with the feedback we received and the fantastic narrative within our report.

The staff have worked extremely hard over the past few years, pushing for positive outcomes for all of our families in everything that we do, and we are so pleased that this report has acknowledged this throughout.

The full report is attached below for your convenience and we ask that you take some time to read it.

Thank you to everyone that completed the parent/carer questionnaire prior to the report being published and for your very kind comments and feedback.

I hope you are as proud of the report as we all are here at Catrine Early Childhood Centre 🙂

Catrine ECC Inspection Report Feb 2024


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