Lending Library Home Link


As the Literacy Champion, and Julie as Communication Champion, we are introducing a home link that allows you and your child to spend some quality time together. This home link is called the ‘Lending Library’ and will take place over a 4- week block (starting this Friday and ending 8th November due to October holidays).

On Friday, your child will choose a book that they wish within their group time and will come home with this to provide the opportunities of reading with their family and spending time with them in doing so. The book will be located within their named folder that also contains a feedback sheet for your child to fill in. We request if this can please be returned by early on in the following week (Monday/Tuesday), so the library is restocked back up and ready for your child receiving their new book on the Friday. Keyworkers will remind parents/carers throughout the week just in case you forget. If there is any problems, please let us know or your child’s keyworker know and we will try our best to solve these. If your child does not attend the ECC on the Friday, they will receive their book on the last day they attend so they do not miss out.

Have fun and happy reading!😊

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