We think it is important for parent/carers to be aware of just some of the things that staff are currently working on at the beginning of the new academic year.


Although formal planning has not yet started with the children, staff within the rooms are working hard supporting children to settle in, build positive relationships and encourage appropriate play through social interactions with peers such as sharing, turn taking and basic ECC rules.

Routines are being established and staff are actively promoting the children’s independence skills by reminding them to use aprons, put their sticky names on pictures, where to find wellies for outdoor play, the use of toilets and much, much more.


At this time of year, from 3-4pm each day, staff are also extremely busy carrying out mandatory tasks before formal planning and Learning Journal entries start back up again.

So far last week, at the end of each day, the staff team were part of updating almost 30 risk assessments and centre policies.

We have also volunteered to be part of a full year project within the authority to help support children with additional support needs. Alana, Lesleyanne and Julie T have been on the first of many training sessions already, and are now sharing information and tasks with the staff team when the children leave the centre.

Our next task to try and get through next week is the creation of each child’s Personal Learning Plan (PLP). This document is required to be in place within 28days of a child starting in an Early Years centre and details not only a narrative of their character and stage of development, but also forms an action plan of targets and/or support required for the year ahead.

Once these are printed parent/carers of new children to the centre will be invited in for a “settling in meeting” with your child’s keyworker.

Returning parent/carers will have their parent appointments in November.


Upon our return from the September weekend, and with the majority of the workload above completed, practitioners will then begin uploading entries onto your child’s Learning Journal again. Please ensure you have the APP downloaded and can access your child’s profile ready. If you require any support with this please do not hesitate to phone the office or speak with your keyworker.

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