Catrine ECC new logo

Some of you will remember in January when we moved back into Newton Street that we asked for your help in designing us a new ECC logo.

We asked children, staff, parent/carers as well as the wider community when they attended our very well attended Open Night on 1st February to be a part of this.

All entries were shared on our electronic platforms for everyone to vote for their favourite.

Votes were counted and verified, which gave us an adult winner and a child winner.

We then decided to take both of these to our East Ayrshire printroom and ask if the dedicated team there could somehow pull parts of both to create a finished product.

So a huge congratulations to MEAH ROY, aged 5 and currently at our ECC and NIAMH SHIRKIE, a former pupil at both the ECC and Primary school, who had the winning designs!

You can see the process we went through below to get to our final design.

How we got to our new Catrine ECC logo design

Child winning entry – by Meah Roy age 5

Adult winning entry – by Niamh Shirkie

Both merged together = our new Catrine ECC Logo


This image will be sent to the nearby printing shops if you wish to purchase our new ECC uniforms for starting back in August.

We can’t wait to see how smart everyone looks on their first day 🙂

Thank you for your continued support

From all at Catrine ECC.

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