STEM Homelink

Since we are finishing up for our holiday I thought I would make this STEM homelink out of this world!

I will provide different activities that link with the meaning of STEM. These activities will be based on developing the children’s knowledge of space.

S stands for Science.

Here are some videos to help explain what space is and facts about our planets.

Here is a link to a fun rocket launch experiment if you would like to give it a try.

T is for technology.

For this activity encourage your child to independently use an iPad, laptop or phone to search some facts about space, rockets, astronauts or planets.

Siri is great to use to support your child to search facts without typing or you can guide them as to what letters they need to type to search.

Once your child has found some facts they could make a short video or poster to share with us some of the interesting information they have found.

E is for engineering.

The children have recently been enjoying the junk modelling in the ECC so have a look around the house and see if there are any materials you can use to create your own solar system or rocket. Here are a few ideas:


M is for maths.

If we have a clear sky on a few nights during the holiday, have a look to see if you can see any stars in the sky. Encourage your child to try and count how many stars they can see in the sky that night. Encourage your child to mark make (tally mark) or write the number to record how many stars they see each night.

Please send any pictures or videos to

or upload them to your child’s learning journals.

I can’t wait to see them!

Have a wonderful break!

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