Here are you HWB tasks for today, I think some people are struggling to open them on Teams.
Online Learning
Hi everyone,
The feedback that I have had so far is that everyone is checking Teams for assignments, therefore I have stopped posting work on our class blog.
Can you reply below to this post if you would prefer work to still be on our class blog and I can do that for you. I’m just not sure that anyone is still using the class blog.
Monday 4th May 2020
Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well and had a lovely weekend. Here are your tasks for today.
Spelling – Common Words
Write your spelling words four different ways from these choices: normal, rainbow, cursive, capital letters, red vowels and blue consonants, alphabetical order, dot-to-dot letters, scrabble tiles, cut a stick from a newspaper or magazine, paint, chalk, pyramid writing or magnetic letters.
Maths – Birthday Party Planning
Open the document attached to find your instructions.
Topic – Scottish Parliament Fact Hunt
This term our topic in school was going to be all about the Scottish Parliament. Luckily, this is something that we can still be researching at home. Use the worksheet attached to do some research, you can type straight on to the document or write down your answers on paper if you prefer. Good luck!
Friday 1st May 2020
I can’t believe it is the first day in May, can you?
There is only a fun Kahoot! quiz today and you can use the rest of the day to catch up on any other tasks from the week. If you are looking for extra activities remember you can work through leisure books on Bug Club, HAM maths games or Sumdog.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!
Thursday 30th April 2020
Good morning everyone, I hope you are all well. Here are today’s learning tasks incase there are any problems on Teams.
Spelling – Sentences
Write a sentence for each of your spelling words. Can you use an interesting opener and connective in each one? Remember punctuation.
Maths – Kahoot! Money Quiz
Pin: 08365830
HWB – Conversation Cards
Choose one card from the document attached and have a conversation about the topic with someone at home. If you can, summarise the key points of the conversation using bullet points. Did you have the same or different opinions on the topic?
Wednesday 29th April
Good morning everyone! I hope you are all well and staying safe. It looks like our lovely dry weather might be ending later on today. Hopefully it comes back soon.
Today’s assignments are Literacy/HWB, Maths and Art. As always just do your best, remember Friday is a catch-up day and assignments don’t close until Sunday.
My favourite thing so far this week is your homemade shops with things in your house. I have absolutely loved seeing your pictures so far, some of you have been so creative. I will share some of my favourite pictures on Friday so that you can all see what your friends have been up to.
Have a lovely Wednesday, we are nearly halfway to the weekend!
Tuesday 28th April 2020
Hi everyone, I think Teams is working quite slowly this week so I will post today’s tasks here too.
Write your spelling words four different ways from these choices: normal, rainbow, cursive, capital letters, red vowels and blue consonants, alphabetical order, dot-to-dot letters, scrabble tiles, cut a stick from a newspaper or magazine, paint, chalk, pyramid writing or magnetic letters.
Maths – Sumdog
There is a new multiplication challenge in your tasks.
STEM – Grow a Rainbow
Online Learning
Please check Teams each day for new assignments. It is really tricky to transfer some things to the blog. I am happy for you to upload your work to your e-portfolio if you are struggling with Teams.
Teams Work Thursday
Literacy Kahoot!
Pin: 0226778
Link closes at 3pm.
Maths – Active Learn
I have put lots of new games on Active Learn for you to work through. Click turn in when you have played at least three games.
Spelling – Silly Paragraph
Write a silly paragraph containing all of this week’s spelling words. Even though it is silly, remember accurate punctuation. You can type it or upload a picture.
Teams work Tuesday and Wednesday
Easter Art
Visit Art for Kids Hub on youtube:
Follow the instructions to make an easter egg folding surprise. Uupload a picture when you have finished.
Spelling – Common Words
Write your group’s common words for this week out in these four ways: Normal, Rainbow Writing, Cursive and Capital Letters. Upload a picture when you are finished.
Number Talks – Subtraction
Number Talks – Multiplication
Spelling – Crossword Clues
Create crossword clues for each of your spelling words e.g. dog – an animal that barks and makes a good pet. You can upload a Word document or a picture.
These are the things that I have managed to transfer to our Blog. Unfortunately there are some worksheets and other documents that do not transfer well to the blog. I would encourage you to try your best with Teams as it is the best way for me to give you feedback on your hard work. I have found that the app works much better than the online version and I haven’t had any problems with uploading or viewing work this week so I would encourage you to give it another try if it didn’t work for you last week.