All posts by Isobel

Another busy week in the birch room with lots of learning opportunities on offer, we have looked at how to use scissors safely, celebrated St Andrews day by making shortbread expanding their knowledge of mathematical language and measure, creating tartan pictures, listening to Scottish songs and also some dancing. This week we have also began to brighten up our room with some festive decorations, the children have used their cutting skills to make some snowflakes, they have also decorated Santa’s boots for our display and have developed their literacy skills by writing letters to Santa

Exploring pattern and other fun stuff

We have had fun exploring different ways to make pattern using various materials…

We have also been using our engineering skills in the construction area…

And a quick update on the progress of our caterpillars, they are beginning to form their cocoons so will be transferred to their net soon where we will observe the next stages…

This week we have been very busy in the birch room, we have been exploring pattern by copying, continuing and creating our own using a variety of materials

We have also had some very special visitors who helped us learn about caring for baby animals and how to be kind and gentle

Alongside this we have also been enjoying our outdoor learning area which has been opened up to allow more room for everyone to explore and enjoy learning in the recent good weather

Busy week

This week we have explored colour, pattern and texture through bubble painting, this fun activity also introduces scientific concepts into our learning

….we have also developed motor skills by chipping away the ice to reveal the animal, here we also had the opportunity to use our problem solving skills to work out the best tools to use….

….and our bookbug session helped develop our listening, concentration, and language skills as well as teaching us about turn taking and sharing.

Christmas time

Christmas preparations have begun, we have decorated our own tree, had fun with related transient art, made a fire place for Santa and created some Christmas decorations, over the coming weeks there will be lots more opportunities to learn and develop through some fun Christmas themed activities, who said maths literacy and English has to be boring 🤗, let the fun times commence🎅 🌲

Saint Andrews day

We created our own flag to celebrate Scotland’s patron saint


….We then made some shortbread, the children used scales to measure out the ingredients and mixed it together using a wooden spoon, they then cut out their own biscuit using a cutter, at snack time all children were pleased to sample their own work.


This week we have been focusing a lot on wellbeing, we have enjoyed related stories followed by discussions on feelings and how we can deal with them, the children then drew their “calm place”. We have also had some cosmic yoga sessions and relaxation activities