All posts by Cheryl


This week we have had lots of fun, we had a lovely bookbug session where we were exploring numbers. We really liked the number songs using the Lycra and were developing our skills of counting backwards.

we have been very busy this week explore some different ways to build. We explored some spaghetti and playdough, magnetic bricks and some light up Lego.

we also explored the concept of  floating and sinking where we found different objects and predicted what would happen to them when placed in the water. We used circles to display our results and found more objects that was floating than sinking.



We have had lots of fun during maths week and participated in some great activities where we explored symmetry, numbers and amount, measuring and 2D and 3D shapes.


we also listened to the story the three little pigs and have been re-telling the story using some picture props.

We had lots of fun in the garden and the playroom exploring gravity  with the guttering with balls and Pom poms.
“it’s going fast”

”it’s stuck, it’s too big”


W/B 21/09/22

This week we have been looking at road safety as lots of children have been walking to the ECC  and talking about how to stay safe when walking.

we have been focusing on lots of number work in the garden and during small group times.

Week beginning 29/8/22

This week in the birch room we have been exploring large boxes where we developed our imagination skills, large physical and problem solving skills to make some different structures using some loose parts.


we had some fun outdoors with some skipping ropes where we were practicing turn taking, jumping and developing our balancing skills.


We also had fine with some frozen water and managed to set free some dinosaurs while using some mallets, or little picks or anything else we thought might work. We used very good attention skills and was learning to stay safe while using some real tool.

This week we have enjoyed going to visit the school where we listened to a story and explored a classroom with some interesting activities. Lots of children have been talking about feeling excited and happy about going to school and we will continue with some informal transitions within the school.

We have also been getting ready for our jubilee celebrations where we have started to make some bunted and been drawing some lovely pictures of the queen with charcoal.

we also explored the new quiet area within the garden where we have been exploring books and finding new things to do with our pallets, this week we were practicing our balancing and jumping on them.

Easter fun

We have had lots of Easter fun this week.
We Made some Easter crafts, made some chocolate nests, went on a lovely Easter parade with our Easter bonnets and had lots of fun on our egg hunt.

Week beggining 14/03/22

this week have been exploring floating and sinking, where the children predicting what the object would do. We also explored the meaning of floating and sinking and using a variety of mathematical language when exploring the objects.


we explored the concept of symmetry when painting some butterflies. We also learned about the life cycle of the caterpillar where we drew and sequenced the different stages in the correct order.

Our lovely daffodils started to open so we decided to paint them  while in the garden using paint.

Week beginning 21/2/22

This week in the birch room we have been developing our attention and listening skills through games with musical instruments, we listened carefully to the beat then copied it and also enjoyed singing songs while making lots of noise with them.

We listened during circle time and was exploring and talking about different emotions.

we made some musical shakers to use during ore song time and to help sound out syllables in our name and other familiar words

we explored some jelli baff and were using some good descriptive words “it’s gooey” “it’s cold” “it feel funny” “it’s like slime”