Children were very excited to be able to let our butterflies go, we have all watched them go into the cocoon for 28 days then turn into butterflies.

Creating a very impressive home for the dinosaurs, drawing plans to constructing the well planned out home.

Adventures in the woods looking for mini beast, doing transient art and looking at our transition tree.

Children were investigating pattern they were able to continue a simple pattern.

Children were enjoying the sunny days, relaxing in the sunshine.
Investigating small quantities of numbers outdoors.

Having fun building towers and developing fine motor skills.

Children have been exploring lots of sand play will using tools and loose parts. Experimenting the properties of sand and water.

First visit to the woods for the Birch Room.
Children were risk assessing the area and learning to manage their own safety at the woods, they enjoyed exploring the natural environment. Children liked having their snack of hot chocolate and sandwiches outdoors.

For world book day the children were exploring ‘The Tiger How Came To Tea. The children decided they wanted to have a tea party, they decorated party hats and wrote invitations inviting a few ladies from the nursery.
While making invitations for our tea party children were developing their mark making skills and pencil control.
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