Category Archives: Uncategorized

Learning Outdoors

The children have enjoyed exploring the outdoor environment daily, particularly the water and sand areas as I am sure you will have noticed! Our Community Playthings have now arrived for our outdoor area, we have posted some photos and a video below.  Please could you ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for playing and learning outdoors and also brings a spare change of clothing in their bag.

Thank you

Drop-off and Pick-up Information

Access to the ECC on foot…


Directions to car park from Underwood Road, there will be attendants in place this week to operate the barriers…


Walk from car park to ECC…


Welcome to our new Cherry Trees Blog!

Through our Blog, we will be keeping you up to date with relevant information, sharing our journey and the exciting learning experiences available for your children.

You can also follow us on: Twitter @CherryTreesECC, Facebook and our ECC App.