The S1 course is designed to meet the requirements of the Curriculum for Excellence in mixed ability classes. Pupils are timetabled for five periods of English which includes a Reading for Gold period. During the Reading for Gold period pupils work on developing close reading skills, library research skills, Accelerated Reader programme and personal reading. The reading and vocabulary development programme is the mainstay of English homework in S1.
The Curriculum for Excellence syllabus ensures that all modes are covered each term. These modes in English are: Reading, Writing, Listening and Talking. The S1 course includes a variety of texts; prose, poetry and media. Using these texts, we encourage pupils to build on their existing literacy skills. Pupils will study a novel and a variety of poems in-depth which further develops their textual analysis and close reading skills. Pupils’ writing skills will continue to be developed as they follow a programme which practises functional, imaginative and personal writing. As an ongoing process, pupils will be assessed on their talking and listening skills through various activities including individual and group presentations.
Whilst assessment of students’ work is ongoing throughout the year by the class teacher in order to support pupils’ individual development and needs, pupil feedback is also an important integral part of the course to ensure active learning. Pupils have their own Personal Learning Plan booklet in which they record their personal development and achievements.