Category Archives: Eco

Eco – Wardrobe

The Eco Wardrobe
The Pupil Council have been working hard to promote the Eco
Wardrobe which they wish to use to help encourage people
to Reuse, Renew and Recycle.
We are currently doing an inventory of our Eco Wardrobe and would like to ask for your help. We have identified a need for winter
clothing e.g. hats/gloves/scarves/warm jumpers and jackets. We are
also looking for Christmas jumpers and any party wear. If you have
any of these items that you would be willing to donate could you send them to school with your child or hand them in to the main office.
Please let us know if there are any particular items you need and we
can use the school app to make an anonymous appeal to our wonderful school community.
The Pupil Council will be setting up the Eco Wardrobe in the area
outside the office most afternoons at 2.45/2.50pm starting in the next week.
We really appreciate your help!
Galston Primary Pupil Council

Walk to School Week

As today is Sports day today’s theme is sports clothes for Walk to School Week. These can be in your house colours:

Portland – Red, Polwarth – Yellow, Titchfield – Blue, Bentinck – Green

Come on now let’s have a final push to add to those tallies!